Auto-connection request for assistivecam

I hereby request auto-connection for the interfaces “camera” and “audio-record” on the “assistivecam” snap as they cover the bare essentials the application needs to function.

From the description of the application and the docs on the github page it is clear that assistivecam’s primary function is via the camera interface, so this makes sense. Can you explain the request for audio-record though since I am not sure this is obvious.

Yes, of course. There is a feature that lets users record the camera feed and the microphone. As there is not really an interface for this, including the sound to me seems to be the expected behaviour, especially for a tool that is aimed towards a visually impaired audience that does a lot by just listening.

+1 from me for auto-connect of camera and audio-record.

Could some other @reviewers please vote :slight_smile:

@nwng thanks for the clarification. +1 from me too for auto-connect of camera and audio-record for assistivecam

Does the application clearly indicate that audio (and video for that matter) is being recorded?

No, not yet, it just says “Recording started” at the moment. But if that’s a necessity I would upload a new version with a more descriptive info string.

I’ll leave UX improvements to you of course, but the fact that you are alerting the user that recording started is sufficient for my vote. +1 to auto-connect audio-record and camera.

Personally, I find that some sort of persistent visual indicator (be that a red circle, text label, icon, etc) is always welcome so you don’t forget you’re being recorded (which can happen if you get distracted, etc).

+3 votes for, 0 votes against auto-connect of camera and audio-record for assistivecam. This is now live.