Auto-connection for Western Digital Manufacturing snap

The Western Digital snap, wdc-amp-main-allspark, provides the main framework and context for the ArmorLock Manufacturing Platform. As part of manufacturing SSDs and hard drives, it needs to access the drives as block devices and to be able to mount/unmount filesystems on removable storage.

We would like to use the block-devices and mount-control interfaces for this snap in our stores, and have them auto-connect.

Hi @wdcdcn

As a Brand Store customer, your organization should have received some training and documentation on how to operate the Brand Store as well as general snap ecosystem concepts. Also, you are entitled to filing Brand Store support cases which are serviced by Canonical’s support team - this might get you a faster response than posting in the public forum. I wonder if it would be possible for you to get in touch with your contact at Canonical and ask whether it’s possible to get this training and access to the support portal.

In regards to this particular question, since this snap is using two privileged interfaces, it will require updating the snap declaration within your brand store. As such, you will probably need to file a support case for us to look into, and grant, the required interface access.


Thank you for your response. We did finally get a support case opened in the right ticket tracker. One interface has been approved, and the case has moved on to a different group for the other interface.

Excellent, thanks for letting me know.