Auto-connecting the camera interface for the chromium snap

This is a request to auto-connect the camera interface for the chromium snap.

It is a pretty common use-case to do video-conferencing or other webrtc-based applications within browsers these days, and without the camera interface the chromium snap will report that no webcam can be found, which will lead users to report bugs because they want this feature to work out of the box.

Besides, chromium prompts for permission to allow camera capture on a per-domain basis, so that’s an additional level of security for actual access to the hardware.

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+1 for autoconnection. There is an immediate need, this is from a trusted publisher and the code in question (chromium) provides contextual prompting for camera access.

Apologies for the delay. +1 from me too.

Chromium has additional prompts regarding the camera being requested so that is a +1 from me. It would probably be sensible to auto-connect cups-control too, so that printing is seamlessly available.

What about network-manager? It has a Plug for network-manager but it requires manual connection.

Chromium has a geolocation provider that uses the NetworkManager DBus interface to list the WiFi access points (

It looks fine to me to not have that plug auto-connected, what do others think?

Can you please also consider granting auto-connection for the following interfaces:

  • password-manager-service (without this chromium will store passwords in plain text, see bug #1755463)
  • cups-control
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3 votes for, 0 against for camera. This is now live.

@oSoMoN - since this topic is for camera and it was already voted on, can you create another topic for cups-control and password-manager-service?

Done, thanks @jdstrand.