Auto-connect request for gtk-common-themes related content snaps for vivaldi


during testing it was revealed that we need to connect to gtk-common-themes to fix various issues (notably mouse cursor theme/size not being aligned with host system).

We’ve fixed that in snap rev. 40 - locally the package fixes the problem, but installed from the store I see it does not autoconnect to these:

content                          vivaldi:gtk-3-themes              -                                       -
content                          vivaldi:icon-themes               -                                       -
content                          vivaldi:sound-themes              -                                       -

whereas, for locally installed file, those are connected:

content[gtk-3-themes]            vivaldi:gtk-3-themes              gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes          -
content[icon-themes]             vivaldi:icon-themes               gtk-common-themes:icon-themes           -
content[sound-themes]            vivaldi:sound-themes              gtk-common-themes:sound-themes          -

I presume (reading other discussions in this forum) that this is a server side fix - so we are kindly requesting for the change here - I presume this may be related to the previous issues with ffmpeg autoconnect.

Thank you


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Slightly rudely pinging @alexmurray and @jslarraz since they have so kindly assisted us with similar things in the past.

I figured I should expand on the problem here with a demo

  1. In Gnome set a large cursor Gnome Accessibility Settings

  1. Note that apps now show this
  2. Install Vivaldi from snap package
  3. Launch Vivaldi and hover the cursor/pointer over the app

Expected result: It should use the custom, large cursor

You actually don’t see the custom cursor in Vivaldi once it is contained by snap. Here is a short video using the same build. The upper Vivaldi window is using snap, the lower is uncontained

Wrong cursory shown in snap contained Vivaldi