Auto-connect removable-media for fbreader


I guess a book reader matches literally the exception criteria from

Certain application types may be granted an exception for the following reasons:


  • media players/viewers: often used to import/preview/playback files on external devices

So I request to add the auto-connection. The app package with removable-media interface declaration is uploaded to the edge channel.

Thank you for reviewing the request.

As a media management application this fits the requirements for removable-media as detailed by the OP so +1 from me for auto-connect of removable-media for fbreader.

The only other question is vet the publisher as the official upstream - @advocacy could you please perform publisher vetting?

+1 from me, I vetted the publisher.

+2 votes for, 0 votes against, granted auto-connect of removable-media for fbreader.

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