It seems like electron builds occasionally have binaries with executable stacks, but not all of them. It would be great if snapcraft as a matter of course detected this, gave a warning (ideally pointing to the aforementioned forum topic) and then stripped it automatically. @sergiusens or @kyrofa - is this something you could add to your roadmap?
A workaround to Electron having executable stacks and electron-builder not clearing them is to run watch -n 0.1 execstack -c ./dist/linux-unpacked/cumulonimbus
in the background. Add libgl1-mesa-glx to stagePackages, and Electron WebGL should work in your Cumulonimbus Snap on Nvidia cards. That’s what jdstrand and I came up with when I was packaging Polarr at least, and it worked there.
I noticed that you included bluez in the list of plugs. When I don’t have bluez in the list of plugs, I get an AppArmor deny on bluez, but it doesn’t seem to negatively affect the application. I asked mborzecki about it and he said not to add bluez to the list of plugs.
Not a problem, I just thought I’d mention it since I was looking at Cumulonimbus to see if I missed anything in my Snap.