I am using Ubuntu App Center 1.0.0 and it looks like some of my snap icons are not showing up. The icons are included in the SNAP under /meta/gui/$APP.png and are displayed correctly in other places like the ./desktop shortcut.
Is this an issue issue with the App Center itself or are my snaps missing something?
Any assistance is much appreciated!
I have this issue when I installed snaps (that I made) locally. After uninstalling these, then installing my snaps from the store, icons are OK.
But on those 3 apps, 2 are not from you, so perhaps the AppCenter cache is corrupt. It seems located at: /home/your-user-name/snap/snap-store/common/.cache/snap-store/images/
Note: I appreciated your Snap ‘Collisions’, beautiful and tricky. I suggest to add a link to the snap of the official web page, and to remove the screenshot #1 (title) from your snap, it hides the principle.
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Thank you so much for clearing up my confusion. You are right, I had installed two of those apps using the command: “snap install $FILENAME --dangerous.” After re-downloading the snaps from the App Center I can confirm that the icons work as expected.
I have updated the game screenshots as you suggested.
Here is an activation key for Collisions: L53XG TKCPK P7AFW 45XKJ 6CDRH You can redeem the key within the next month as described on the following page: https://2dengine.com/help#keys
Thank you so much, I really appreciate your feedback!
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