ANN: Starcraft Clinics

Hello everyone,

I am pleased to announce that the Snapcraft Clinics are back, in the form of the Starcraft Clinics, where we will mostly cover Snapcraft and Rockcraft issues while developing snaps or rocks.

The event will take place every fortnight, the first one being 2023-07-07T13:00:00Z2023-07-07T14:00:00Z

Any one is welcome to join, even if to listen in, we will be over at

Cheers, Sergio


A reminder that the Clinic starts shy of 30 minutes from now!

A reminder that our fortnightly call is Today!


Hi! We have another edition of the Clinic today, about 2 hours from this post: 2023-11-24T13:00:00Z

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You may want to more widely spread this news. I think posting a comment on a four-month-old thread, won’t get much visibility <3

That’s a good point! I was hesitant to spam everyone by-weekly with the Clinics announcements but that’s probably the lesser of the two evils

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The next edition of the Starcraft Clinics is this Friday, 2024-02-02T14:00:00Z! Come chat and get support for Snapcraft, Charmcraft, Rockcraft, or the Craft libraries in general!

You can join via Google Meet. Please check out the main announcement for details.


These always happen during my work hours so I think I’ve only ever briefly joined once (like four years ago, shyly). Coincidentally I happen to have this one off, I might pop in and say hi properly this time :)!

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I still don’t understand why these announcements are buried both here in the bottom of this thread, and over on the ubuntu discourse at the bottom of another thread.


@popey my (internal) reasoning was that users that are interested in the Clinics can just follow/watch a single thread. Do you think a new thread every two weeks would reach more people?

Yup! :smiley: Maybe a LinkedIn post once in a while and mention on matrix too?


We already announce the Clinics on the *craft-related Matrix rooms, but the LinkedIn idea is a good one!