Allow posix-mq interfaces for itrue-mqtest-provider


For internal testing and demonstration purposes within the Canonical IoT Field team we would like to use the itrue-mqtest-provider snap, along with its counterpart itrue-mqtest-client, which help us to validate the functionality of the posix-mq interface in systems we are testing.

Can you please enable the following super-privileged plugs for the itrue-mqtest-provider snap?

  • test-default
  • test-rw
  • test-ro
  • test-all-perms

These plugs enable different permissions for the posix-mq interface, allowing us to verify that the itrue-mqtest-client snap can connect and send (or not) messages to each queue.

We would like to have this in the global store, rather than our brand store, so that we can provide it to other engineers or customers for their test environments.

Cheers, Isaac

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Hey Isaac, +1 from me for enabling these for the itrue-mqtest snap. This fits the functionality of the snap. I think it’d be good as well if the snap name was also in the plug as the namespace for this interface is shared as well.

Ok thanks for the feedback, I’ll update the snaps with the new namespace and report back.

I’ve changed the interface names in itrue-mqtest-provider and itrue-mqtest-client to the following:

    interface: posix-mq
    interface: posix-mq
    interface: posix-mq
    interface: posix-mq

    interface: posix-mq
    path: [/test-rw,]
      - read
      - write

    interface: posix-mq
    path: [/test-default,]

    interface: posix-mq
    path: [/test-ro,]
      - read

    interface: posix-mq
    path: [/test-all-perms,]
      - read
      - write
      - create
      - delete

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+1 from me as well for enabling the following slots in itrue-mqtest-provider snap:

  • itrue-mqtest-rw
  • itrue-mqtest-default
  • itrue-mqtest-ro
  • itrue-mqtest-all-perms

I’ve done the publisher vetting.

@itrue could you please make sure that you have changed the slot names in the latest revision of itrue-mqtest-provider snap. Once it’s done I’ll move ahead and enable them. Thanks.

Thanks for the review. Launchpad has now built and published the new itrue-mqtest-provider snaps for all archs, and they’re waiting for review.

+2 votes for, 0 against. Granting allow-connection to the following slots in itrue-mqtest-provider snap. This is now live.