Adding collaborators from command line

I would like to add collaborators for snaps without GUI. I found some old thread that seemed to talk about implementing this, but this doesn’t seem to have made it to production.

Is it correct that the snapcraft edit-collaborators option never made it to production?

The reason I want this: We have a Brand Store and want to fully automate any actions the Brand Store has to do so the credentials can stay out of developers hands. Unfortunately, only the Brand Store owner account can add new snaps to our Brand Store and register other collaborators.

Not sure if the store API could help with this, the documentation is here though:

Hi, I had a look to API docs , it has way to manage users, snaps(adding/removing), etc, but doesn’t seem to have endpoints for adding collaborators,

Although from Dashboard, i can see, we send a POST request to when adding collaborators to specific snap.

We verified with support that indeed the collaborators endpoint is not available outside of the browser/GUI :frowning: