Accessing hidden files from $HOME

Hello everyone, the JReleaser tool requires access to hidden files such as ~/.jreleaser, ~/.config/jgit and it currently has “home” and “network” as plugs. Per the documentation “home” does not grant access to dot files. What’s the procedure to make a snap have access to these files?

you use the system-files interface …

But that requires explicitly listing which directories can be read/write, isn’t it? Some directories are well known such as the previously mentioned ones but users have the choice to change the location of JReleaser’s config files by setting $JRELEASER_USER_HOME. They may also specify locations for GPG keys that may or may not be at the expected default locations.

I don’t think this is going to scale.

well, it is the only option you have … you can make the well known, owned by your application, directories accessible with system-files, but beyond this confinement would prevent any access …

Alright. It seems that personal-files may be used instead, at least for dot-files within $HOME. Thanks.

ah, right, but the same restrictions apply …

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