About the tutorials category

This category is hosting the tutorials that will be hosted on https://snapcraft.io/tutorials


Mapping table
Topic Path
Snap download and assertions /tutorials/snap-download
Monitor snap changes /tutorials/snap-changes
Advanced snap usage /tutorials/advanced-snap-usage
Create your own Ubuntu Core 20 image /tutorials/create-your-own-core-20-image
Create your own Ubuntu Core 18 image /tutorials/create-your-own-core-18-image
Continuous snap delivery from CircleCI /tutorials/continuous-snap-delivery-from-circle-ci


Mapping table
Path Location
/tutorials/build-a-nodejs-service https://snapcraft.io/docs/node-apps
/tutorials/snap-a-python-application https://snapcraft.io/docs/python-apps
/tutorials/snap-a-website https://snapcraft.io/docs/electron-apps
/tutorials/basic-snap-usage https://snapcraft.io/docs/getting-started


Mapping table
Topic Summary Categories Difficulty Author
Snap download and assertions Snaps can be downloaded, stored, and installed offline. Here we cover the details, as well as how assertions ensure a downloaded snap is authentic. packaging 2 Didier Roche didier.roche@canonical.com
Monitor snap changes Discover the changes command. Learn how to monitor and control every snap-related change that has been made, and is being made, to your system. packaging 2 Didier Roche didier.roche@canonical.com
Advanced snap usage Learn advanced techniques and features of snapd. What happens when installing a snap, how to access service logs and configure snaps, connect interfaces and change confinement modes? We’ll detail it all and even more here for you! packaging 3 Didier Roche didier.roche@canonical.com
Create your own Ubuntu Core 20 image Create your own image of Ubuntu Core 20, the latest release of our snap-based operating system. Make your own device image with some snap preinstalled or additional functionalities! iot 3 Canonical Web Team webteam@canonical.com
Create your own Ubuntu Core 18 image Create your own Ubuntu Core image for a particular model, by assembling snaps available in the store. Make your own device image with some snap preinstalled or additional functionalities! iot 3 Canonical Web Team webteam@canonical.com
Continuous snap delivery from CircleCI Learn how to use CircleCI to deliver a new snap version to your early adopters every time you make a change in your master branch. packaging 3 Kyle Fazzari kyrofa@ubuntu.com