503 error


Just learned about snaps when trying to install intelliJ-community ide

I have done update && upgrade

i use the snap command on their website: sudo snap install intellij-idea-ultimate --classic

i get timeout error while waiting for headers to return or whatevs…

snap find intellij also returns same error.

store link in upper right gives 503 error. idk what to do.

is the snaps website having temporary difficulty or am I missing something??

Thanks for your help!

yes, the store was down for a short period. It should be back online now. Check status.snapcraft.io for real-time info on whether there’s a known problem.

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wonderful luck i have it breaks first time i use it lol!

Thanks for the reply! I look forward to seeing these auto-updates in person. Are snaps going to replace all the package managers out there?

A great question. If you’re writing a standalone application such as a desktop app or command-line tool, snaps are a great solution for publishing to Linux. If however you’re writing system libraries, today you’ll want to use the traditional packaging system of the distribution: debs in the case of Ubuntu and Debian, rpms in the case of Fedora and Redhat.