3.3 tracks for maas and maas-test-db

Hi there,

Could you please create the following tracks:

3.3 track for the with a guard-rail regex of 3\.3\..* for the maas snap.
3.3 track (with no guard-rail regexp) for the maas-test-db snap.

Store URLs:

https://snapcraft.io/maas and https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/maas/, snap id shY22YTZ3RhJJDOj0MfmShTNZTEb1Jiq
https://snapcraft.io/maas-test-db and https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/maas-test-db/, snap id idVMgkvkiKaOC8BjKlJRPUH50fvibpp8


Sure, +1 from me as reviewer and these tracks are now created.

  • Daniel