2.27 release cycle retrospect


This is a small retrospect for the 2.27 release similar to the retrospect we did for the 2.26 release. The 2.27 cycle was a lot shorter and smoother than the 2.26 cycle but we still had some point releases. The timeline below shows what we did, what issue/regression was the main trigger for a point release and what our response to the issue was to ensure this won’t happen again in the future.


  • 2017-08-10 Release 2.27 into the beta channel
  • 2017-08-14 Release 2.27.1 to fix test failure on 14.04 caused by an older version of flock. Response: ensure all 14.04 tests run as part of the spread suite for every merge.
  • 2017-08-16 Release 2.27.2 to fix crash on i386 on artful caused by -buildmode=PIE. Response: add artful/i386 to the autopkgtest machines that run on every merge (we only tested artful-amd64 so far).
  • 2017-08-18 Release 2.27.3 disable “Nice=-5” in snapd.service to fix error when snapd is installed inside lxd containers. Response: Add spread test to our own integration test suite that runs snapd outside and inside of an lxd container.
  • 2017-08-24 Release 2.27.4 to fix regression in seccomp code when snaps with secondary architectures are used. Response: add spread test that tests amd64 snaps with i386 binaries to ensure this works.
  • 2017-08-30 Release 2.27.5 to fix network-manager.nmcli seccomp argument filtering regression. Response: add spread test that tests network-manager.nmcli is used.
  • 2017-09-07 Release 2.27.6 with fix to xdg-open. Reponse: add spread tests to xdg-open and xdg-open-compat.

Thanks for putting this together, Michael. Very helpful to have such a clear view on the roadblocks we’ve found during the process.

Also, thank you very much for hand-holding our release until it was a grown up!