"0.9.x" track for Makhber snap

Could you please create a new track “0.9.x” for Install Makhber on Linux | Snap Store


The makhber snap has no existing tracks, so per the Process for aliases, auto-connections and tracks , we need a 1-week voting/discussion period, so I’ll check back on the discussion and votes in a few days.

I have a few questions/comments before casting my vote.

  1. Can you explain why this track name is required for makhber? Is there any particular reason why its name cannot simply be 0.9?

  2. In general, we don’t recommend using tracks to segment minor or patch versions. Trying to use tracks to designate minor or patch versions negates many of the advantages of using a snap in the first place. Having said that, I wanted to ask whether new versions are backwards-incompatible. Meaning, if I was running 0.9.x and try to install 0.10.x, will that just work, or do I need to migrate my data/configuration, or will things break horribly? Lastly, what is the expectation when e.g. version 1.0 comes out? Will that be cleanly upgradeable from e.g. 0.9 installations or will it imply breaking changes?

  3. What’s makhber’s release cadence, how often is a new major version (potentially requiring a new track) released? is this documented somewhere by upstream?

  4. Is there some commitment from upstream on maintenance of old versions?



  1. There is no particular reason to not be 0.9
  2. 0.10.x is backward incompatible with 0.9.x, 0.10.x uses a new project format that couldn’t be read by 0.9.x. and projects saved by 0.9.x couldn’t be read by 0.10.x There are many I have to implement to think about 1.0 but I will try to keep the app upgradable from one version to another (e.g. from 0.10.x to 0.11.x)
  3. There is no release cadence for 0.10.x as It’s not ready yet. It’s still at alpha stage. but I release a patch release for 0.9.x every 3~4 months.
  4. I am the maintainer, I am going to keep updating 0.9.x until 0.10 is ready to be released.


Hi @mchinoune,

Thanks for the replies. I’m +1 on creating the 0.9 track (no patch versions, these should be handled as updates on the track). Let me know if you are OK with this and I’ll add the track to the makhber snap for you.



I don’t understand what do you mean by no patch versions.

Do you mean I couldn’t push any update to that track?


Apologies for the late response. This must’ve slipped through the cracks. I meant that the track name I’m proposing would be 0.9 and not 0.9.x. And yes, you would be perfectly able to push updates to the track.



OK, then. I don’t any issue with 0.9 instead of 0.9.x



Thanks for the reply. The 0.9 track has been successfully created for makhber.



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