Why Launchpad Bugs over GitHub Issues?

As the title says, “Why Launchpad Bugs over GitHub Issues?”

Just curious.

  • launchpad bugs provide the ability to open and manage cross-project and cross distro tasks.
  • existing re-tracing services (errors.ubuntu.com) can be hooked into it.
  • there are private bugs possible based on launchpad teams
  • there are security features to hide bugs from the public and automatically involve the security team for things like CVEs.

…and there are probably a million more advantages that didnt come to my mind immediately …


Great points. I guess the cross-project ability makes the biggest difference to me. That’s one of the few problems I have with GitHub Issues and using Trello for product development as well.

“Bug Heat” is nice too.

It would be great if Launchpad had better integration with GitHub PRs then. My favorite parts of Launchpad are the non-Bazaar parts.


Yeah, other points might be argued back and forth, but cross-project linking is really the one reason that makes it hard to move out of it.

Also worth pointing out that some of the benefits that GitHub would offer over Launchpad are made less relevant because we have this forum. A lot of the good conversations about improvements and issues are happening here these days.

Another interesting question: Why did Ubuntu choose to use GitHub over Launchpad (unlike other Ubuntu projects)? I really like using GitHub more than Launchpad, but was there another reason?

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I think they preferred using it. I did read a snappy developer saying something about GitHub over Launchpad but can’t remember where that was. Also Mark Shuttleworth’s comment:

Bzr predated Git by about a year. We should have killed Bzr when Git came along but then that would have meant firing 10 people who were writing free software and I didn’t have the ruthlessness, maybe that’s a bad thing, I don’t regret it.

That’s talking about Bzr vs Git rather than Launchpad vs GitHub (and Launchpad has supported Git for a few years now) but still.

We actually use both GitHub and Launchpad. Hosting the source code in GitHub was a choice made by the development team, so don’t read too much into it.

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