Usage and automatic connections request for Ubuntu-Accomplishments


I’m getting ready to publish a first draft of ubuntu-accomplishments. This app needs dbus access (both plug and slot) for org.ubuntu.Accomplishments on the session bus:

    interface: dbus
    bus: session
    name: org.ubuntu.Accomplishments

    interface: dbus
    bus: session
    name: org.ubuntu.Accomplishments

An automatic connection for this dbus plug/slot is required as follows (the viewer needs to connect to its daemon both in the same snap):

ubuntu-accomplishments:accomplishments-viewer -> ubuntu-accomplishments:accomplishments-service

In addition, for the “Upgraded ubuntu” trophy to be awarded, the app needs to read the following system-files. Could the app be granted usage rights to the following plug, and also automatically connected:

    interface: system-files
      - /etc/lsb-release

Edit: forgot to request hardware-observe autoconnect for trophies that inspect the cpu information from /proc/cpuinfo.

Edit: also autoconnect of log-observe as suggested by @alexmurray

I have granted the dbus access just now.

You could use the existing log-observe interface to read /var/log/installer/media-info which would then leave just /etc/lsb-release for system-files.

+1 from me for auto-connect of hardware-observe and log-observe (assuming that meets the needs in this case), and +1 for use-of and auto-connect of system-files for read access to /etc/lsb-release but can this please be named etc-lsb-release rather than ubuntu-upgrade-status to more accurately reflect what is being granted here and to be in-line with the existing conventions of naming of system-files instances?

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aha, thanks for the tip, I’ll make that change :slight_smile:

@reviewers can anyone else chip in their thoughts, or votes, please?

+1 from me as well (with the new naming convention in place).

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+1 from me. This app concept has long been discussed in the Ubuntu community, great to see it finally become a reality.

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+3 votes for, 0 votes against, granting use-of and auto-connect for system-files named etc-lsb-release for read of /etc/lsb-release plus auto-connect of hardware-observe and log-observe. This is now live.

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Thanks, @alexmurray and @Igor & @Wimpress; The snap is now live:

Announced on the Discourse:

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