Here is the past:
Mar 25 20:36:39 bahman-VPCCW23FX snapd[19069]: retry.go:120: DEBUG: Retrying because of: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
Mar 25 20:36:39 bahman-VPCCW23FX snapd[19069]: retry.go:112: DEBUG: ShouldRetryError: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) *http.httpError -> true
Mar 25 20:36:39 bahman-VPCCW23FX snapd[19069]: retry.go:49: DEBUG: Retrying, attempt 4, elapsed time=30.00440791s
Seems like the requests are being sent, but there’s no response. Maybe there’s a hijacking proxy on the network?
For the record, can you run:
sudo snap unset system proxy.https
sudo snap unset system proxy.http
And then:
snap debug connectivity
The first and second command return: run configure hook of “core” snap.
The third command return:
Connectivity status:
- unreachable
error: 1 servers unreachable
So I’m not sure what to make to it. To summarize:
- snap debug connectivity reports unreachable
- snapd operations hit a timeout waiting for response
- there is no proxy configured in snapd settings
- there is no proxy in environment settings
- curl to works
Can you run the following?
snap known --direct model \
series=16 brand-id=generic model=generic-classic
This will access the store API without snapd being the middle man.
I get this error: error: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
Is there something in /etc/hosts that may be causing to be resolved to some random host? Does accessing with your browser work?
There is no hosts directory in etc. I can connect to the link using my browser.