Ubuntu Firstrun hidden section not showing in Ubuntu Initial Setup

When a new user installs Ubuntu, on first boot they get presented a ‘wizard’ which asks a few questions and offers a selection of software to install. We have a hidden section in the store called ubuntu-firstrun which can be queried via the store API with:-

curl 'http://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/search?section=ubuntu-firstrun' | jq

You can also see it via a browser at https://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/search?section=ubuntu-firstrun .

So the store is returning the right content code, skype, spotify, slack, pycharm-community, android-studio, intellij-idea-community, krita, plexmediaserver, sublime-text, vlc, gimp, gitkraken, discord, hiri, bitwarden, simplenote, zenkit, darktable, xonotic, obs-studio, shotcut, telegram-desktop, opera, mailspring, wavebox, irccloud-desktop, audacity.

However, if you install Ubuntu today, and get the “Ready to go” screen screen you’ll see what’s in the featured category as seen at https://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/search?section=featured .

Here’s what you get (which is wrong):

I’m told the code which does the store query via snapd-glib is located at https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-initial-setup/tree/debian/patches/0001-Add-Ubuntu-mode-with-special-pages.patch#n909 .

Has something changed in snapd or within snapd-glib which means the results from the store for a hidden category don’t bubble up to the calling program?

AFAICT snapd does the right thing here: using the http snap,

$ http snapd:///v2/find section==ubuntu-firstrun | jq '.result|.[].name '

@robert.ancell or @xnox could you shed some light on this, by any chance?


Which version of Ubuntu are you using? I’ve run this on eoan and it shows correctly. I’ve had a look at the patches in eoan, disco and bionic. The bionic package uses the ‘featured’ category, which is how I initially wrote it.

This seems to have been changed in cosmic, but never SRUd to bionic:

gnome-initial-setup (3.30.0-1ubuntu3) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * Populate featured snaps from ubuntu-firstrun category

 -- Andrea Azzarone <andrea.azzarone@canonical.com>  Wed, 17 Oct 2018 10:25:35 +0100

SRU bug filed against gnome-initial-setup.


@robert.ancell sorry, I should have mentioned - 18.04.