The Hunspell Dictionaries Content Snaps

The Hunspell Dictionaries Content Snap is an attempt to allow multiple snaps to share a single copy of the Hunspell spellchecking dictionaries for multiple languages via the content interface. It allows snapped apps. that implements spellchecking via the infamous Hunspell library to not ship independent copies of the spellchecking dictionaries in their snaps, which takes about 200MiB(uncompressed)/32MiB(squashed) of disk space.

This snap does not feature any applications and is not intended to be used by regular users, instead, it is for snap packagers to implement a counterpart plug to connect and map its content into their snaps.

How to Use

The consumer snapā€™s snapcraft.yaml must define a counterpart plug for connection:

    interface: content
    default-provider: _provider_snap_name_
    target: $SNAP/usr/share/hunspell

The list of currently supported provider_snap_name:

For maximum compatibility, pick the one that targets the same base.

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@admins Please set this topic as a wiki, thanks in advance!

This is now a wiki! Thank you for all this.

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The following content snaps, targeting core18 and core20, has been made available to the consumers:

Weā€™ve also fixed the plug declaration to reduce confusion.


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Hello! Thanks for this! A question: when were the dictionaries updated for the last time?

Best regards

Hello, apologies for the ignorance.

The build is automatically triggered after a push in the snapsā€™ corresponding source repository at so it should be around 2020/10/1.