Testing default snap apps against equivalent deb apps - slow start times

This is the first time I am posting in this discourse. I am doing this as I was invited to do so by @ogra.

I don’t use snaps as they are slow. I tried to find out why, so did some tests. I also notice that they are not portable, and to have snaps one needs another app to run it. So, as to not to duplicate the findings, I am pasting the link here. Mainly tested in Ubuntu 19.10 dev, and also in Arch Linux and Fedora 31, both with gnome 3.34, installed on bare metal.

Note: I don’t want to argue with anyone, for or against snaps or any other package format.

On Ubuntu+ HDD + core 16-2.42

  1. time firefox (deb)
    real 0m12,308s
    user 0m5,180s
    sys 0m0,921s
    time snap run firefox (first run after new revision):
    real 0m35,241s
    user 0m17,252s
    sys 0m15,613s
    time snap run firefox (cold run):
    real 0m14,275s
    user 0m4,616s
    sys 0m9,719s

  2. time chromium-browser
    real 0m11,381s
    user 0m0,717s
    sys 0m0,262s
    time snap run chromium
    real 0m14,169s
    user 0m1,431s
    sys 0m8,428s
    time snap run chromium (run after libreoffice, gnome-system-monitor or gnome-calculator)
    real 0m12,650s
    user 0m1,276s
    sys 0m8,074s

  3. time gnome-calculator
    real 0m2,303s
    user 0m0,297s
    sys 0m0,046s
    Lets test first (from these 3) gnome-calculator, second gnome-system-monitor, third libreoffice :
    time snap run gnome-calculator (first to test gnome-calculator – is start a bit slow):
    real 0m4,416s
    user 0m0,359s
    sys 0m1,436s
    if is tested “second” (after gnome-system-monitor or libreoffice) – start fast:
    real 0m2,326s
    user 0m0,345s
    sys 0m0,438s

  4. time gnome-system-monitor
    real 0m2,198s
    user 0m0,444s
    sys 0m0,045s
    time snap run gnome-system-monitor (If is tested second gnome-system-monitor start fast).
    real 0m2,792s
    user 0m0,509s
    sys 0m0,485s
    but if is first is slow:
    real 0m4,892s
    user 0m0,519s
    sys 0m1,468s

  5. time snap run libreoffice (same if is first +2-3 sec)
    real 0m11,058s
    user 0m2,803s
    sys 0m5,144s
    but if first:
    real 0m14,413s
    user 0m2,855s
    sys 0m7,045s

Snaps need speed and beauty to be more used (speed (first run and cold run); beauty (integration)). Although the start time has improved, between 1-2 seconds still must disappear form cold start (and maybe preload what is needed for gnome-calculator, libreoffice, chromium, etc).
First run he also needs improvements.