Strict snap built using electron + builder not running on Ubuntu 20.04

I’ve noticed that my snap (strict confinement) doesn’t run on Ubuntu 20.04 (unless using --devmode). I’m using the latest electron, and building with electron-builder.

There’s no log output, the snap simply exits

bash$ snap-name

The snap works perfectly on Ubuntu 18.04 and other forms of distribution (such as AppImage and just ‘yarn start’) work perfectly on both systems.
This is reproducible using the electron webpack quick start repository without any changes, and also reproducible on a fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04

How can I solve this?



$ sudo snap install snappy-debug
$ sudo journalctl --output=short --follow --all | sudo snappy-debug

now run your app from another terminal and watch the output … it should make suggestions where it can.

Hi, thanks for replying.
Here’s what I get:

kernel.printk_ratelimit = 0
= AppArmor =
Time: Aug 10 06:33:00
Log: apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_method_call"  bus="system" path="/" interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager" member="GetManagedObjects" mask="send" name="org.bluez" pid=3650 label="snap.teledrive.teledrive"
DBus access

However, I’ve fixed the issue by another fresh install of ubuntu - Earlier it was a fresh install apart from testing the same snap. Thanks for your help!

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Glad to hear you fixed the issue. FYI, the bluez denial is almost always noise (unless your snap uses bluez of course).