Snaps using core18 as base won't work

On a system that does not have core snap preinstalled, installing a snap that has its base: core18 are not able to find any slots to connect to.

Here is the command line output

root@mtproxy:~# snap interfaces
Slot  Plug
-     mtproxy:home
-     mtproxy:network
-     mtproxy:network-bind
root@mtproxy:~# snap list
Name     Version  Rev  Tracking  Publisher   Notes
core18   18       782  stable    canonical✓  base
mtproxy  latest   9    stable    om26er      -

The snapd developers are aware of this issue IIRC.


Yes we are aware of this issue. I will report it so that it is easier to track it…
With a quick search I found something that is a good candidate