Snapd in LXD failing to upgrade to 2.31

In a LXD container managed by a snap installed lxd, I see errors trying to unmount an old core snap when upgrading to 2.31.

On my host

host$ snap version
snap    2.31.1+17.10
snapd   2.31.1+17.10
series  16
ubuntu  17.10
kernel  4.13.0-36-generic

host$ snap list lxd
Name  Version  Rev   Developer  Notes
lxd   2.21     5866  canonical  -

I then have an Ubuntu 16.04 LXD container, running snapd 2.30 (since 2.31 is blocked due to this bug):

container$ snap version
snap    2.30
snapd   2.30
series  16
ubuntu  16.04
kernel  4.13.0-36-generic

We can see that an update to core is still in progress, and another snap fails to refresh (which is where I noticed the problem)…

container$ snap changes
ID   Status  Spawn                 Ready                 Summary
72   Doing   2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  -                     Auto-refresh snap "core"
73   Error   2018-02-22T09:43:47Z  2018-02-22T09:44:07Z  Refresh "REDACTED" snap from "edge" channel

container$ snap change 72
Status  Spawn                 Ready                 Summary
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  Ensure prerequisites for "core" are available
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:56Z  Download snap "core" (3887) from channel "stable"
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:56Z  Fetch and check assertions for snap "core" (3887)
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:56Z  Mount snap "core" (3887)
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:56Z  Run pre-refresh hook of "core" snap if present
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:56Z  Stop snap "core" services
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:56Z  Remove aliases for snap "core"
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:56Z  Make current revision for snap "core" unavailable
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:56Z  Copy snap "core" data
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:57Z  Setup snap "core" (3887) security profiles
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:57Z  Make snap "core" (3887) available to the system
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:58Z  Setup snap "core" (3887) security profiles (phase 2)
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:58Z  Set automatic aliases for snap "core"
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:58Z  Setup snap "core" aliases
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:58Z  Run post-refresh hook of "core" snap if present
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:58Z  Start snap "core" (3887) services
Done    2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  2018-02-19T13:38:58Z  Remove data for snap "core" (3440)
Doing   2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  -                     Remove snap "core" (3440) from the system
Do      2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  -                     Clean up "core" (3887) install
Do      2018-02-19T13:38:52Z  -                     Run configure hook of "core" snap if present

Make snap "core" (3887) available to the system

2018-02-19T13:38:57Z INFO Requested daemon restart.

Remove snap "core" (3440) from the system

2018-02-22T09:30:17Z ERROR cannot remove snap file "core", will retry in 3 mins: umount: /snap/core/3440: not mounted
2018-02-22T09:33:17Z ERROR cannot remove snap file "core", will retry in 3 mins: umount: /snap/core/3440: not mounted
2018-02-22T09:36:17Z ERROR cannot remove snap file "core", will retry in 3 mins: umount: /snap/core/3440: not mounted
2018-02-22T09:39:17Z ERROR cannot remove snap file "core", will retry in 3 mins: umount: /snap/core/3440: not mounted
2018-02-22T09:42:17Z ERROR cannot remove snap file "core", will retry in 3 mins: umount: /snap/core/3440: not mounted
2018-02-22T09:45:17Z ERROR cannot remove snap file "core", will retry in 3 mins: umount: /snap/core/3440: not mounted
2018-02-22T09:48:17Z ERROR cannot remove snap file "core", will retry in 3 mins: [stop snap-core-3440.mount] failed with exit status 1: Job for snap-core-3440.mount failed. See "systemctl status snap-core-3440.mount" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

2018-02-22T09:51:17Z ERROR cannot remove snap file "core", will retry in 3 mins: umount: /snap/core/3440: not mounted
2018-02-22T09:54:17Z ERROR cannot remove snap file "core", will retry in 3 mins: [stop snap-core-3440.mount] failed with exit status 1: Job for snap-core-3440.mount failed. See "systemctl status snap-core-3440.mount" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

2018-02-22T09:57:17Z ERROR cannot remove snap file "core", will retry in 3 mins: umount: /snap/core/3440: not mounted

The journal entry for the mount unit is at

I have a similar issue, but starting out on 2.31 already

This is an old issue: LXC: snaps don't update . 2.31 was sadly supposed to fix it.

Yes, sorry I continued this on IRC.

The fix for the core snap is to install 2.31 from packages, i.e. and update snapd

Ah, I’m thrilled to hear that, thank you for the update!