Snapd 2.21 - Run configure hook of "core" snap if present

Hi, I’m a Debian testing user and I have an issue with snapd. I try to inslall Anbox by snap and the process and the process always stops at this point:

#snap install --classic anbox-installer && anbox-installer
2017-08-11T19:48:12+02:00 INFO snap "core" has bad plugs or slots: core-support-plug (unknown interface)
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Run configure hook of "core" snap if present 

From here begins an endless wait.

What’s the problem? How can I fix it?

Other info:

# snap version
snap    2.21-2+b1
snapd   2.21-2+b1
series  16
debian  unknown
kernel 4.11.0-1-amd64

Thanks to who helps me :slight_smile:

looks like

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