Snapcraft wishlist shortlist

Note that if you want to use snapcraft builder it doesn’t support pulling submodules yet

Personally I don’t think it really matters much. A source tarball which was released by upstream typically isn’t a whole lot different to a source tree that’s tagged with the release version. Looking through my own yamls, I’m not consistent, and use both approaches equally. Perhaps grabbing the tarball might be marginally quicker, and cache-able at a proxy, if that matters to you, but otherwise, not a lot in it.

Thanks for the feedback. For no particular reason I prefer git, but I’m good to know that there is no real benefit with one over the other.

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Okay small update on Cailbre. I’ve run into a snag with with build, in that it won’t. I’m not very familiar with python so forgive me if this is an easy issue.
Below is the error output:

/home/benjamin/Development-Job_stuff/Calibre/snap/parts/calibre/install/usr/bin/python2 -m pip download --disable-pip-version-check --dest /home/benjamin/Development-Job_stuff/Calibre/snap/parts/calibre/packages .
Processing /home/benjamin/Development-Job_stuff/Calibre/snap/parts/calibre/src
Link is a directory, ignoring download_dir
Complete output from command python egg_info:
egg_info is not a recognized command.
Valid commands: pot, translations, get_translations, iso639, iso3166, build, mathjax, gui, develop, install, kakasi, coffee, rapydscript, cacerts, recent_uas, resources, check, test, sdist, bootstrap, manual, tag_release, pypi_register, pypi_upload, upload_to_server, upload_installers, upload_user_manual, upload_demo, reupload, stage1, stage2, stage3, stage4, stage5, publish, publish_betas, linux, linux32, linux64, win, win32, win64, osx

It looks like it wants me to pass build or install after ./ but snapcraft is passing egg_info instead. Anyone more familiar with python able to shed some light?

Look this
snap find mpv
Name Version Developer Notes Summary
mpv-casept 0.24.0 casept - a free, open source, and cross-platform media player. Unofficial snap.

I’ve got a working GIMP build! @popey, @Wimpress should I file a claim on the name “gimp” in the store? @kyrofa suggested in rocketchat about setting up a group so that others can help maintain the package if we don’t get it pushed upstream.


@lucyllewy Take a look at the new Snapcrafters GitHub, specifically the template:

Follow the process outlined in the above. But yez, register ‘gimp’ in the store and file a name dispute if prompted.

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