Snapcraft installing golang 1.6 when 1.10.1 is installed

snapcraft installing golang 1.6 when 1.10.1 is installed

if I comment out this line in snapcraft/snapcraft/plugins/

self.build_packages.append('golang-go') # line 104


or add the code to check if go is installed?

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This seems like it might be LP:#1616985 - if you installed Go from a snap or another source which isn’t the archive, the golang-go package will still be installed.

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And if snapcraft installs it’s own Go (1.6), does if conflict with current latest Go (1.10.1)? Does it change all go-env variables?

(This is the first time I am trying to make an app available via snap; and stopped right here. It would be great if snap avoid touching the machine.)

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I’d recommend building in a container rather than on the host itself. Personally I use lxd as described in this doc: Build on LXD

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@dc0d Yes it changes some go-env variables when apt install golang-go, I use latest release of go from, and i consider the installation of go1.6 a violation of my human rights,…,.,lol


@popey Thanks for response. Yet seems to me there is a need for babysitting yet another set of tools!

@SgtScriptKiddy Me too bro! Me too!

@popey Doing an LXC cleanbuild still uses go1.6. and is what i have been doing.

Here is an example where I use a remote part, and enforce the version of go I need for the build. Note one part builds ‘after’ the go part which bootstraps a newer release. . There’s another similar example (geth) in the docs.

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