
Hi all, We noticed that the snapcraft push timeout is happening again where snapcraft push gets stuck in processing before timing out. This has happened in the past here: Snap push is timing out from yesterday. We noticed this began happening yesterday even after multiple retries. We believe it is most likely the same issue where the uploads are not entering the automatic review queue as mentioned in the previous post. Can someone help us investigate on why this is happening? Are there steps we can take to ensure this does not happen again?

Please find the logs below after running snapcraft push:

snapcraft push --release *** amazon-ssm-agent_3***0_amd64.snap

Uploading… (—>)

Uploading… (<—)

Status: processing

Status: processing

Status: processing

Status: processing

Snapcraft version - 8.3.1



Just checked and looks like one of the revisions was stuck and blocking any new revision to be automatically reviewed.

We Just re-queued the stuck revision and it is now approved. The queue in now being processed.

Apologize for the inconvenience.
