Snap package in store seems deceptive

A user in #ubuntu (irc) claimed a snap in the store “seems deceptive” and wanted to know “whom to report to”

details can be seen at

with first statement at 08:45 (UST) (as i write, it’s not all in logs, but will be shortly)

– key text is (copied from hexchat; not log as not all there yet)

[08:45] <yolozulu> There's a snap package improperly advertising what it is, who do I report to?
[08:51] <guiverc> yolozulu, what is the snap package  (sorry I can't find who to report to, email etc)
[08:51] <guiverc> listing it here at least gives a record of your report...

<yolozulu> @guiverc - bitcoin-qt torusjkl - Bitcoin Unlimited - The Only Bitcoin Client That Gives You Complete Freedom! – Well, the description is correct, and the version naming is, but the snap package seems deceiving, although I don’t know if intentional.
<yolozulu> It doesn’t show up in the Ubuntu Software search, so only CLI users would see it, unless snaps are easily isntalled elsewhere.
<guiverc> yolozulu, this irc channel is logged; your statement has thus been logged. if i can find where it should be reported to, they'll get what you just said
<yolozulu> guiverc: right on, the same user also uploaded - bitcoin v0.15.1 torusjkl - peer-to-peer network based digital currency
<yolozulu> Which is the proper naming for Bitcoin Core, which initially used the bitcoin / bitcoin-qt naming scheme AFAIK.
<yolozulu> Proper versioning*
<yolozulu> bitcoin-qt however shows up first in the snap packaging, which is actually BU / Bitcoin Unlimited

if this is unhelpful/wrong here - let me know and I’ll delete it etc. I can’t provide more. As I was looking for a place to send the user to report (or here) the user left #ubuntu

I don’t understand how it’s deceptive. Could you ask yolozulu to pop on here themselves? Otherwise I fear this’ll be Chinese whispers.

Someone else reported this on reddit.

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$ snap find bitcoin

Name        Version              Developer  Notes  Summary
bitcoin-qt  torusjkl   -      Bitcoin Unlimited - The Only Bitcoin Client That Gives You Complete Freedom!
bitcoin     v0.15.1              torusjkl   -      peer-to-peer network based digital currency
bitticker   1.1.2                smithi     -      A live bitcoin-USDT ticker for your system tray
electrum    2.6.4-tpaw0          tpaw       -      Lightweight Bitcoin Client

The description clearly states “Bitcoin Unlimited” so I’m not sure what’s supposedly deceptive.