Snap not running on Raspberry Pi 4 ARM architecture


I am writing a snap to run an Electron HTML using Wayland. I was able to get it to work on my personal computer running Ubuntu and inside the VM of Ubuntu Core.
I followed the official tutorials such as this one -
I am trying to run my snap on a Raspberry Pi however, and it’s failing to start with a lot of different error logs. I must be missing something in the build process to use ARM binaries, but I can’t seem to find the answer anywhere for this.

Here are the logs I get when my snap is installed and running on the Raspberry Pi:

May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: realpath: '': No such file or directory
May 22 20:43:21 localhost audit[3715]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="rmdir" profile="snap.mysnap.daemon" name="/root/snap/mysnap/x1/" pid=3715 comm="rmdir" requested_mask="d" denied_mask="d" fsuid=0 oui
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: realpath: '': No such file or directory
May 22 20:43:21 localhost audit[3717]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="rmdir" profile="snap.mysnap.daemon" name="/root/snap/mysnap/x1/" pid=3717 comm="rmdir" requested_mask="d" denied_mask="d" fsuid=0 oui
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: realpath: '': No such file or directory
May 22 20:43:21 localhost audit[3719]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="rmdir" profile="snap.mysnap.daemon" name="/root/snap/mysnap/x1/" pid=3719 comm="rmdir" requested_mask="d" denied_mask="d" fsuid=0 oui
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: /snap/mysnap/x1/bin/desktop-launch: line 10: /snap/mysnap/x1/usr/bin/update-mime-database: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: /snap/mysnap/x1/bin/desktop-launch: line 10: /snap/mysnap/x1/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgtk-3-0/gtk-query-immodules-3.0: No such file or directory
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: update-mime-database /root/snap/mysnap/x1/.local/share/mime exited abnormally with status 126
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: /snap/mysnap/x1/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgtk-3-0/gtk-query-immodules-3.0 exited abnormally with status 127
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost audit[3740]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.mysnap.daemon" name="/var/cache/fontconfig/" pid=3740 comm="ls" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=0
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ##################################################################################
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: If you are experiencing problems with your GUI app (e.g. bad fonts), please run:
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]:   snap connect mysnap:x11-plug mysnap:x11
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ##################################################################################
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:21 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: /snap/mysnap/x1/bin/xwayland-kiosk-launch: line 135: /snap/mysnap/x1/usr/bin/Xwayland: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
May 22 20:43:22 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: ERROR: object '/snap/mysnap/x1/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
May 22 20:43:22 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: /snap/mysnap/x1/bin/xwayland-kiosk-launch: line 148: /snap/mysnap/x1/usr/bin/i3: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
May 22 20:43:22 localhost mysnap.daemon[3618]: /snap/mysnap/x1/player/kiosk: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
May 22 20:43:22 localhost systemd[1]: snap.mysnap.daemon.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
May 22 20:43:22 localhost systemd[1]: snap.mysnap.daemon.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 10.
May 22 20:43:22 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application mysnap.daemon.
May 22 20:43:22 localhost systemd[1]: snap.mysnap.daemon.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
May 22 20:43:22 localhost systemd[1]: snap.mysnap.daemon.service: Failed with result 'start-limit-hit'.
May 22 20:43:22 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to start Service for snap application mysnap.daemon.
May 22 20:44:06 localhost sudo[3784]: myuser : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/myuser ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/journalctl -e
May 22 20:44:06 localhost sudo[3784]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by myuser(uid=0)

I am running “snapcraft --target-arch armhf” to build the snap, as well as
- build-on: amd64
run-on: armhf
inside of my snapcraft.yaml as can be seen below:

name: mysnap
version: "0.1"
summary: Kiosk app
description: |
  Kiosk app
base: core18
  - build-on: amd64
    run-on: armhf
# architectures: [armhf]
confinement: strict
grade: devel

    command: desktop-launch xwayland-kiosk-launch "$SNAP/player/kiosk" "--no-sandbox"

    daemon: simple
    restart-condition: always
    command: desktop-launch xwayland-kiosk-launch "$SNAP/player/kiosk" "--no-sandbox"

  XWAYLAND_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW_HINT: window_role="browser-window"


    plugin: nodejs
    nodejs-version: "12.13.1"
    source: .
    after: [desktop-gtk3, xwayland-kiosk-helper]
    override-build: |
      set -ex

        "i386-linux-gnu") ARCH="ia32";;
        "x86_64-linux-gnu") ARCH="x64";;
        "arm-linux-gnueabihf") ARCH="armv7l";;
        "aarch64-linux-gnu") ARCH="arm64";;
        *) echo "ERROR: electron does not support the '$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET' architecture" && exit 1;;


      apt-get update
      apt-get install -y curl unzip
      curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

      apt-get update
      apt-get install -y nodejs

      npm install --production
      ./node_modules/.bin/electron-packager . --overwrite --platform=linux --arch=$ARCH --output=release-build --prune=true
      cp -R ./kiosk-linux-$ARCH $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/player
      - libasound2
      - libgconf-2-4
      - libnss3
      - libx11-xcb1
      - libxss1
      - libxtst6
    # build-packages:
    # - nodejs
    # - npm
    # - unzip

    source-subdir: gtk
    plugin: make
    make-parameters: ["FLAVOR=gtk3"]
      - build-essential
      - libgtk-3-dev
      - libxkbcommon0
      - ttf-ubuntu-font-family
      - dmz-cursor-theme
      - light-themes
      - adwaita-icon-theme
      - gnome-themes-standard
      - shared-mime-info
      - libgtk-3-0
      - libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0
      - libglib2.0-bin
      - libgtk-3-bin
      - unity-gtk3-module
      - libappindicator3-1
      - locales-all
      - xdg-user-dirs
      - ibus-gtk3
      - libibus-1.0-5

    plugin: cmake
    build-packages: [build-essential]
    stage-packages: [xwayland, i3, libegl1-mesa, libgl1-mesa-glx]

Please let me know if anyone has any ideas as to why it could be failing.
Thank you,


Looking at your snapcraft.yaml, you have:

  - build-on: amd64
    run-on: armhf

… but nothing in the part definition indicates that it would produce ARM binaries when the build is run on an x86 system. So my guess is that you’ve ended up with a snap containing binaries for the wrong architecture.

If you build your snap on an armhf system, you should end up with a snap with the right binaries. This could be your Raspberry Pi, or the Launchpad build service (which can be configured through if your code is hosted on Github).

note that the ubuntu raspberry pi 4 images have no fully working graphics stack yet.

james is correct (and it is really hard to cross build snaps that have any bigger dependencies (it works fine for kernels and bootloaders (i.e. in gadget snaps) but apps are way different). it needs a lot of hacks and fiddling to finally produce the correct binaries)…

but alongside that, if you use an ubuntu image on your pi you wont easily be able to run graphical stuff …

Thank you guys for the replies. I have purchased a Dragonboard 410c in the meantime and was able to compile for arm64, so will be testing that soon.

When will the Raspberry Pi 4 support graphical stuff that you mentioned, @ogra ? Is there a release schedule of some sort for this?


1 Like

Hi rudeshko

I know this is an old post, but am writing to find out if you tried to put ubuntu-core onto the EMMC for the dragonboard?


@rudeshko Why didn’t you try to install the Buster Desktop version (or Bullseye Desktop version) ?

Core versions are very naked.

probably because UbuntuCore is designed to be used as secure kiosk systems ? :slight_smile:

Hi rudeshko

regarding your Dragon 410c implementation with ubuntu core, have you managed to successfully flash ubuntu core to the emmc?

Regards Lee