Snap info about publishers

I suppose that makes sense…still seems somewhat unnecessary cruft to me.

E.g. output here

$ snap info lxd
name:      lxd
summary:   "System container manager and API"
publisher: canonical
description: |
  LXD is a container manager for system containers.
  It offers a REST API to remotely manage containers over the network, using an
  image based workflow and with support for live migration.
  Images are available for all Ubuntu releases and architectures as well as for
  a wide number of other Linux distributions.
  LXD containers are lightweight, secure by default and a great alternative to
  virtual machines.
snap-id: J60k4JY0HppjwOjW8dZdYc8obXKxujRu
  - lxd.benchmark
  - lxd.check-kernel
  - lxd.lxc
  - lxd
tracking:        stable
installed:       2.17 (3675) 39MB -
refreshed:       2017-08-25 19:07:48 +0100 BST
  stable:        2.17        (3675) 39MB -
  candidate:     2.17        (3955) 41MB -
  beta:          ↑                       
  edge:          git-80de187 (3967) 41MB -
  2.0/stable:    2.0.10      (2943) 12MB -
  2.0/candidate: 2.0.10      (3841) 16MB -
  2.0/beta:      ↑                       
  2.0/edge:      git-79376d5 (3940) 18MB -

That’s a lot of output already, taking up over half of my 1600x900 display in GNOME Terminal.

Maybe that info should be available to an app like GNOME Software somehow but I’m not sure it should be displayed in snap info.

This thread is relevant for the verified developers thing and sounds like a useful feature since we don’t need to remove third-party snaps from the store as they are confined so should be safe in some senses, but having a way to mark the apps from official developers would be good!