Skanpage snap won't launch

Candidate branch:

$ skanpage
[error] cannot open locale definition file `en': No such file or directory
Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (5.15.11) with this library (5.15.12)
Aborted (core dumped)

Stable branch:

$ skanpage
dbus[14694]: D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up: see the manual page for dbus-uuidgen to correct this issue. (Failed to open "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id": No such file or directory; Failed to open "/etc/machine-id": No such file or directory)
  D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace
Aborted (core dumped)

Tested on Ubuntu Unity 24.04 and Ubuntu Unity 24.10, and there appears to be no Qt 6 versions for it. Hope it gets updated and fixed soon

$ snap connections skanpage
Interface                                 Plug                                  Slot                                                          Notes
audio-playback                            skanpage:audio-playback               :audio-playback                                               -
avahi-observe                             skanpage:avahi-observe                -                                                             -
content                                   skanpage:foo-install-cups             -                                                             -
content[icon-themes]                      skanpage:icon-themes                  gtk-common-themes:icon-themes                                 -
content[kf5-5-110-qt-5-15-11-core22-all]  skanpage:kf5-5-110-qt-5-15-11-core22  kf5-5-110-qt-5-15-11-core22:kf5-5-110-qt-5-15-11-core22-slot  -
content[sound-themes]                     skanpage:sound-themes                 gtk-common-themes:sound-themes                                -
cups                                      skanpage:cups                         cups:cups                                                     -
dbus                                      -                                     skanpage:session-dbus-interface                               -
desktop                                   skanpage:desktop                      :desktop                                                      -
desktop-legacy                            skanpage:desktop-legacy               :desktop-legacy                                               -
hardware-observe                          skanpage:hardware-observe             -                                                             -
home                                      skanpage:home                         :home                                                         -
network                                   skanpage:network                      :network                                                      -
network-bind                              skanpage:network-bind                 :network-bind                                                 -
opengl                                    skanpage:opengl                       :opengl                                                       -
raw-usb                                   skanpage:raw-usb                      -                                                             -
removable-media                           skanpage:removable-media              -                                                             -
unity7                                    skanpage:unity7                       :unity7                                                       -
wayland                                   skanpage:wayland                      :wayland                                                      -
x11                                       skanpage:x11                          :x11                                                          -