'snap connections' command

Why not fix snap interfaces to be more readable? What use case is there for having both interfaces and connections - when would I use one over the other?

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I like the ordering by plug name, then by slot name. This matches how we work on connect/disconnect (order of plug and slot) and how people think of connections (mostly about what a given snap contains, so by-snap order makes sense).


  • Should we abbreviate core:home to just :home?
  • Should we print the plug/slot headers?
  • How should it look like before we have any connections?
  • What should happen if we ask about a specific connection snap connection spotify:home

Note that I used the singular word connection in my last question above.

The old snap interfaces command is going to get deprecated and go away over time. We don’t want to break how it works for now.

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Per zyga’s suggestion, we can turn core:foo into :foo as that’s both cleaner and supported in the connect and disconnect commands.

We should have some better details there, otherwise it feels like we’re not really improving much over what we have today. How about starting with an “Interface” column, and adding a “Notes” at the end:

Plug           Slot     Interface  Notes
spotify:home   :home    home       -
spotify:video  :camera  camera     manual

Also, how about filtering the list so that:

  1. Without any parameters, only show connected interfaces
  2. With --all, show both connected and disconnected interfaces
  3. With a snap name, show both connected and disconnected interfaces

Update: I’ve inverted the order of the columns so Plug and Slot come first. That seems better because those are the two most relevant things, which are actually typed in command lines for connections and disconnections.

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Let’s say I only had the core snap installed, and I wanted to see all slots available on it. Would that look like this?

$ snap connections core

Plug                    Slot
-                       core:home 
-                       core:mount-observe
-                       core:unity7
# ...

Per my suggestion above at least, no… it would have extra columns and the “core” string wouldn’t be present in all of those lines.

Did some experiments, and this is what I have.

Connections of a single snap:

$ snap connections gnome-sudoku        
Plug                          Slot                             Interface       Notes
gnome-sudoku:desktop          :desktop                         desktop         -
gnome-sudoku:desktop-legacy   :desktop-legacy                  desktop-legacy  -
gnome-sudoku:gnome-3-26-1604  gnome-3-26-1604:gnome-3-26-1604  content         -
gnome-sudoku:gsettings        :gsettings                       gsettings       -
gnome-sudoku:gtk-3-themes     gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes   content         -
gnome-sudoku:icon-themes      gtk-common-themes:icon-themes    content         -
gnome-sudoku:pulseaudio       :pulseaudio                      pulseaudio      -
gnome-sudoku:sound-themes     gtk-common-themes:sound-themes   content         -
gnome-sudoku:unity7           :unity7                          unity7          -
gnome-sudoku:wayland          :wayland                         wayland         -

Snap that is content provider:

$ snap connections gtk-common-themes
Plug                           Slot                            Interface  Notes
gnome-calculator:gtk-3-themes  gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes  content    -
gnome-calculator:icon-themes   gtk-common-themes:icon-themes   content    -
gnome-calculator:sound-themes  gtk-common-themes:sound-themes  content    -
gnome-sudoku:gtk-3-themes      gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes  content    -
gnome-sudoku:icon-themes       gtk-common-themes:icon-themes   content    -
gnome-sudoku:sound-themes      gtk-common-themes:sound-themes  content    -

Snap that does not use content:

$ snap connections vlc              
Plug                        Slot                     Interface               Notes
vlc:desktop                 :desktop                 desktop                 -
vlc:desktop-legacy          :desktop-legacy          desktop-legacy          -
vlc:home                    :home                    home                    -
vlc:network                 :network                 network                 -
vlc:network-bind            :network-bind            network-bind            -
vlc:opengl                  :opengl                  opengl                  -
vlc:optical-drive           :optical-drive           optical-drive           -
vlc:pulseaudio              :pulseaudio              pulseaudio              -
vlc:removable-media         :removable-media         removable-media         -
vlc:screen-inhibit-control  :screen-inhibit-control  screen-inhibit-control  -
vlc:unity7                  :unity7                  unity7                  -
vlc:x11                     :x11                     x11                     -

But has some disconnected interfaces:

$ snap connections vlc -a
Plug                        Slot                     Interface               Notes
vlc:camera                  -                        camera                  -
vlc:desktop                 :desktop                 desktop                 -
vlc:desktop-legacy          :desktop-legacy          desktop-legacy          -
vlc:home                    :home                    home                    -
vlc:mount-observe           -                        mount-observe           -
vlc:network                 :network                 network                 -
vlc:network-bind            :network-bind            network-bind            -
vlc:opengl                  :opengl                  opengl                  -
vlc:optical-drive           :optical-drive           optical-drive           -
vlc:pulseaudio              :pulseaudio              pulseaudio              -
vlc:removable-media         :removable-media         removable-media         -
vlc:screen-inhibit-control  :screen-inhibit-control  screen-inhibit-control  -
vlc:unity7                  :unity7                  unity7                  -
vlc:x11                     :x11                     x11                     -
-                           vlc:mpris                mpris                   -

Snap that has just one plug but it’s not connected by default:

$ snap connections test-services-25269
no connections found
$ snap connections test-services-25269 -a
Plug                               Slot  Interface      Notes
test-services-25269:daemon-notify  -     daemon-notify  -

I would like to get to the following for manually connected plugs:

$ snap connections test-services-25269        
Plug                               Slot            Interface      Notes
test-services-25269:daemon-notify  :daemon-notify  daemon-notify  manual

Extending this further for hotplug:

$ snap connections test-services-25269        
Plug           Slot            Interface    Notes
service1:uart  :qemuserialusb  serial-port  manual,hotplug
service2:uart  :qemuserialusb  serial-port  hotplug

This involves some changes to the daemon API. The information on whether a connection is manua/hotplug related is not directly available through the API at this point.

A quick observation, maybe it’s just implementation/formatting detail, but this output feels a bit overwhelming and takes a 1.5 full pages on my terminal:

$ snap connections -a
Plug                              Slot                  Interface                 Notes
gnome-calculator:desktop          :desktop              desktop                   -
gnome-calculator:desktop-legacy   :desktop-legacy       desktop-legacy            -
-                                 :screencast-legacy    screencast-legacy         -
-                                 :shutdown             shutdown                  -
-                                 :ssh-keys             ssh-keys                  -
-                                 :ssh-public-keys      ssh-public-keys           -
-                                 :system-trace         system-trace              -
-                                 :time-control         time-control              -
-                                 :timeserver-control   timeserver-control        -
-                                 :timezone-control     timezone-control          -
-                                 :tpm                  tpm                       -

Perhaps we could make the snap name required and instead suggest to the user to use snap connections system instead.

wan’t the plan to also add a new api endpoint for this as well? maybe @zyga-snapd remembers whether that was the case

AFAIK we 100% wanted a new endpoint for this.

FYI I’ve opened https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6079 a while ago where we can discuss output formatting and so on. The code does this on the old endpoints, so it’s obviously missing the data on why an interface is connected or disconnected.

Since the output is there, maybe it would make sense to land it at some point just to introduce the command and then work on the backend bits to fill the notes column with useful info.

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I’m thinking about a reasonable way of presenting connections that are undesired, i.e. disconnected manually by the user.

Just to recap what was already written above, snap connections foo, by default shows only connected plugs and slots:

$ snap connections foo
Plug           Slot            Interface    Notes
foo:plug       bar:slot        iface        -

Suppose that interface iface is auto connected, but the user has issued snap disconnect foo:plug2 before. Snapd will internally track the connection foo:plug2 baz:slot as undesired, so on the next refresh, it will not be automatically reconnected. We can show both endpoints of such connection in snap connections output, since both are known. I think we could present it to the user like this (note you’d have to pass -a):

$ snap connections foo -a
Plug           Slot            Interface    Notes
foo:plug       bar:slot        iface        -
foo:plug2      baz:slot        iface        disconnected,manual
foo:plug3      -               non-auto     -


Even with -a flag, IMHO it still feels strange and a little bit confusing to show:

foo:plug2      baz:slot        iface        disconnected,manual

(I’m trying to think about an alternative, no good idea yet).

UPDATE: perhaps a dedicated flag to only show undesired (disconnected) auto-connections and nothing else?

It’s tricky. If the default behaviour is to list only connected interfaces then indeed manually disconnected ones wouldn’t appear, but also the user would be none the wiser both of these (which presumably they’d know about) but also about potentially useful manually connected ones.

I think one way out would be to always print a one-line summary before (if it’s a summary of everything) or after (if it’s a summary of what’s not shown) the listing (always being key to it being script-friendly). Something like

$ snap connections foo
Plug           Slot            Interface    Notes
foo:plug       bar:slot        iface        -
2 interfaces on foo are not connected (see -a).
$ snap connections -a foo
Plug           Slot            Interface    Notes
foo:plug       bar:slot        iface        -
foo:plug2      baz:slot        iface        disconnected,manual
foo:plug3      -               non-auto     -
No further interfaces exist for foo.


$ snap connections foo
snap "foo" has 3 interfaces, of which 1 is connected:
Plug           Slot            Interface    Notes
foo:plug       bar:slot        iface        -
$ snap connections -d foo
snap "foo" has 3 interfaces, of which 2 are disconnected:
Plug           Slot            Interface    Notes
foo:plug2      baz:slot        iface        disconnected,manual
foo:plug3      -               non-auto     -
$ snap connections -a foo
snap "foo" has 3 interfaces:
Plug           Slot            Interface    Notes
foo:plug       bar:slot        iface        -
foo:plug2      baz:slot        iface        disconnected,manual
foo:plug3      -               non-auto     -

I think I prefer the “before” version. And yes I’d also add a -d flag (or --disconnected if --all instead of -a) that would only list disconnected interfaces.

Lastly, in the -a output I’d print the disconnected interfaces in dim.


This was the original suggestion

why are we not doing that?

Fair point. Saves some typing when asking for a single snap.

What do you think about --disconnected as suggested by @chipaca?

to use when? if the single snap prints everything? or to just list disconnected?

Right now I --disconnected can be used with snap:

$ snap connections mutt
Plug          Slot      Interface  Notes
mutt:network  :network  network    -
$ snap connections mutt --all
Plug          Slot      Interface  Notes
mutt:home     :home     home       disconnected,manual
mutt:network  :network  network    -
$ snap connections mutt --disconnected
Plug       Slot   Interface  Notes
mutt:home  :home  home       disconnected,manual

and without (this one gives a nice overview IMO):

$ snap connections --disconnected
Plug                                    Slot                               Interface      Notes
gitkraken:avahi-observe                 -                                  avahi-observe  -
gitkraken:camera                        -                                  camera         -
gitkraken:cups-control                  -                                  cups-control   -
gitkraken:home                          :home                              home           disconnected,manual
mutt:home                               :home                              home           disconnected,manual
test-snapd-daemon-notify:daemon-notify  -                                  daemon-notify  -
-                                       adapta-theme:adapta-gtk-theme      content        -
-                                       gnome-calculator:gnome-calculator  dbus           -
-                                       gtk-common-themes:gtk-2-themes     content        -
-                                       lxd:lxd                            lxd            -

Also something that came up while I was working on the output is I’m not showing unconnected core slots. There are just too mnany and listing all of them makes the output a bit overwhelming.

An update after discussions we had during the engineering sprint;

We’ve decided to drop --disconnected, and keep --all and querying explicitly by snap name.

Also some changes in the output were proposed.

View of a single snap:

$ snap connections wire
Plug               Slot                            Interface       Notes
wire:gtk-3-themes  gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes  content         -
wire:icon-themes   gtk-common-themes:icon-themes   content         -
wire:sound-themes  gtk-common-themes2:sound-themes content         -

$ snap connections gtk-common-themes
Plug               Slot                            Interface       Notes
wire:gtk-3-themes  gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes  content         -
wire:icon-themes   gtk-common-themes:icon-themes   content         -
wire:sound-themes  gtk-common-themes:sound-themes  content         -
-                  gtk-common-themes:gtk-2-themes  content         -

Vanilla snap connections view:

$ snap connections
Plug                Slot                            Interface       Notes
wire:gtk-3-themes   gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes  content         -
wire:icon-themes    gtk-common-themes:icon-themes   content         -
wire:sound-themes   gtk-common-themes2:sound-themes content         -
mutt:home           :home                           home            -
mutt:network        :network                        network         -
icdiff:gitconfig    :personal-files                 personal-files  manual
icdiff:home         :home                           home            -

View of all connected and disconnected plugs & slots:

$ snap connections --all
Plug                                    Slot                            Interface       Notes
wire:gtk-3-themes                       gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes  content         -
wire:icon-themes                        gtk-common-themes:icon-themes   content         -
wire:sound-themes                       gtk-common-themes2:sound-themes content         -
-                                       gtk-common-themes:gtk-2-themes  content         -
test-snapd-daemon-notify:daemon-notify  -                               daemon-notify   -
mutt:home                               :home                           home            -
mutt:network                            :network                        network         -
mutt2:home                              -                               home            -
icdiff:gitconfig                        :personal-files                 personal-files  manual
icdiff:home                             :home                           home            -
icdiff:removable-media                  -                               removable-media -

I’ve updated the PR accordingly.

It was proposed to move the Interfaces column to the front, but no decision
was made. The output could look like this:

$ snap connections wire
Interface  Plug               Slot                             Notes
content    wire:gtk-3-themes  gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes   -
content    wire:icon-themes   gtk-common-themes:icon-themes    -
content    wire:sound-themes  gtk-common-themes2:sound-themes  -

Looks like we have an agreement. The aggregate output shall look like this:

$ snap connections
Interface               Plug               Slot                            Notes
content[gtk-3-themes]   wire:gtk-3-themes  gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes  -
content[icon-themes]    wire:icon-themes   gtk-common-themes:icon-themes   -
content[sound-themes]   wire:sound-themes  gtk-common-themes2:sound-themes -
home                    icdiff:home        :home                           -
home                    mutt:home          :home                           -
network                 mutt:network       :network                        -
personal-files          icdiff:gitconfig   :personal-files                 manual

Where the thing in [..] next to the interface name is the value of a connection attribute that can was matched between plug and slot when the connection was established.


The relevant PRs have landed. The snap connections command will be available in snapd 2.38. Alternatively, those running distros where snapd reexecs, can grab the core snap from edge channel.

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