Review sprint #2

It’s that time again!

We have quite a few pending PRs open ranging from major features all the way to trivial tweaks. To ensure these get addressed timely, we’ll have a more focused effort over the next few days to work through them. If you are an author or a reviewer, let’s please collaborate towards that.

Below we have the PRs which were open when the sprint started today, and perhaps a few important ones that were opened later and then integrated into the sprint.

For any required updates unrelated to status changes, please comment below. Status changes will be updated regularly and automatically.

##Status of each PR:

  • :white_circle: Pending review
  • :white_circle: Closed without merging
  • :gear: Review in progress
  • :white_check_mark: Reviewed and accepted
  • :white_check_mark: Merged
  • :jack_o_lantern: Broken spread tests (click to see)



Cross-distribution support

Graphic interfaces







42 total → ( 4 waiting → 15 reviewing → 2 reviewed → 14 merged ) → 21 closed

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@snapd Good Monday!

If you have PRs in the list a above that have one or more reviews, please try to act on them so we can move the PRs forward. If you have PRs with no reviews and are not working on anything in that list either, then please poke someone (including me) to get the first review going.

It would be great if we could end the week with most of these PRs merged or at least close to it.

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Given the many events that interpolated with this sprint, it did not go so well. We got only about half of the PRs merged in the weeks during which the review was taking place.

We need to try harder next time.

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