Request to review my new snap m2cpsensornetworkconnector2

Hey its me again,

today is a confused day, I must remove the old snap and register a new one for snap connect issues during installation process, so @jdstrand can you take look or someone else?

Greets Tony

This is done.

Note, I’ll be on holiday so others from the review team can tend to new requests. If you know you have other requests for tonight, please register the snap names and request here which dbus well-known names should go with which snaps and I can review/grant them even before you upload. But again, if you miss me, others can take a look.

@jdstrand , thanks for quick help, I guess thats should all be for the next time, I will create a new topic in the next week for the usbmodswitcher, because this is going more into the deep and needs like a bit discuss with the others to set the correct plugs and slots.

Greets Tony

Also have a nice holidays :wink:

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