Request to auto-connect password-manager-service

@jslarraz On my host system Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

Umm interestingā€¦ So IIRC in that setup it should be working fine IF boundary uses libsecret. Iā€™ll dig a bit more

Hi. Are there any changes? It would be good to speed up the process.


I didnā€™t have the time to dig into the issue yet. However, I donā€™t think the result will/should impact the outcome of this request.

  • +1 from me for auto-connect system-observe
  • -1 from me for auto-connect password-manager-service as usual, to fit the confinement model

Manual connection for password-manager-service should still be the way to go if portal are not available/working

Could other @reviewers vote on this?

+1 from me too for auto-connect of system-observe. Similarly, -1 for auto-connect of password-manager-service since the user should be in control of this and thus should manually connect this interface.

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+2 for, 0 against, grating boundary *auto-connectiontosystem-observe` interface. This is now live.

0 for, 2 against grating boundary *auto-connectiontopassword-manager-service` interface. It wonā€™t be granted.

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