Request for global autoconnect of ROS foundation snaps


After internal discussion we came up with the following mitigation.

Each snap would declare their specific slot, that is e.g. the ros-noetic-ros-core snap would declare a ros-noetic-ros-core slot; the ros-foxy-desktop snap would declare a ros-foxy-desktop slot.

In addition, super-set snaps would declare additional slots for the lower sets they encompass since the content of those lower sets is also present. These additional slots would also be auto-connectable. E.g. the ros-foxy-desktop snap would also declare the ros-foxy-ros-base & ros-foxy-ros-core slots.

A full example for the foxy version is,

  • the snap ros-foxy-ros-core has the slot:
    • ros-foxy-ros-core
  • the snap ros-foxy-ros-base has the slots:
    • ros-foxy-ros-core
    • ros-foxy-ros-base
  • the snap ros-foxy-desktop has the slot:
    • ros-foxy-ros-core
    • ros-foxy-ros-base
    • ros-foxy-desktop

And equivalently for humble & noetic variants.

Reciprocally, plugs would also have to adopt this more exhaustive naming schema of course.

This more meaningful naming addresses the concern of a (current) ros-foxy plug expecting the ‘desktop’ set to wrongly auto-connecting to a (current) ros-foxy slot only providing the ‘core’ set for instance.

@emitorino Any thoughts? Would that address the concern you raised?

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