Request for Autopsy auto-connections

If you’re building locally and uploading with snapcraft upload then you can use the --release flag to choose which channel to release to (edge, beta, candidate or stable), so yes the workflow you propose is spot on. If you release initially to candidate and later determine you’re happy with that revision then you can promote it to stable just by dragging that revision up to stable on the autopsy releases page.

All revisions that get uploaded to the store will go through review but they wont need any extra manual reviews unless you start using super-privileged interfaces.

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Regarding the icon and license issues, I am not an expert on these but I know they can be manually set on your Autopsy listing page. You should also be able to manage collaborators here. As for the publisher name, I think you would have to create a new account representing the organisation and publish it to that account. You could do that with yourself as a collaborator.

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Great. Thank you very much. I will try to set the snap up that way.