Request: Autoconnect avahi-observe plug for lxi-tools


I would like to request that the lxi-tools snap gets automatically connected to the ‘avahi-observe’ plug interface.

lxi-tools uses the avahi-daemon strictly as a client to discover various LXI instruments on the network.

However, this currently fails on e.g. Ubuntu because of its stricter security mechanisms (apparmor etc.) and I would like to avoid the users having to do stuff like this:

snap connect lxi-tools:avahi-observe :avahi-observe

Here is the lxi-tools snapcraft configuration:


Looking for response on this request. Thanks.

I don’t have a lot of familiarity with LXI, but I can see that mentions that a core part of the functionality is reaching other LXI enabled instruments. While part of me feels like the manual connection would be ok (at least once gnome-software supports interface connections graphically), the instrument discovery via avahi seems such a core piece of its usage that avahi-observe auto-connection is appropriate. It’s too bad avahi-daemon doesn’t already have fine-grained controls so we could grant service discovery to something like _lxi.tcp (or similar), but that isn’t available at this time.

While avahi-observe leaks more than is strictly required for lxi-tools, +1 for auto-connection based on the above.

Exactly right.

Just for future reference - the lxi tool does service discovery of the following services:

  • _lxi._tcp
  • _vxi-11._tcp
  • _scpi-raw._tcp
  • _scpi-telnet._tcp

One more vote needed? Thanks.

I formally give my +1; I’d love to try this with my LXI-enabled equipment.

Agreed. Reading up on liblxi and lxi-tools, it sounds like every user will need to connect this in order for it to be useful. On that front, +1 to autoconnection.

However, note that this interface is not provided by the core snap on Ubuntu Core. Are we also granting autoconnection to the avahi snap?

The snap declaration would allow that, yes.

2 votes (from reviewers) for, 0 against. Granting auto-connection. This is now live.

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