Remote (reusable) parts

Developers using snapcraft to build snaps can leverage pre-existing ‘remote parts’ in their snap, to save time re-implementing existing components.

Developers who have created local parts which may be of use to others, can submit them to the remote part cache for other snapcrafter’s to use.

Using remote parts

Search for parts

The Snapcraft command line tool can search the remote parts cache using the search command. Before issuing search use the update to update the parts list from the remote cache.

$ snapcraft update
Downloading parts list

Once updated, search on its own will return the entire list of remote parts, or specify a search term to restrict the results returned.

$ snapcraft search curl
curl       A tool and a library (usable from many languages) for client side URL transfers, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, TELNET, DICT, FILE and LDAP.

Viewing remote part contents

The remote part definition can be viewed using the define command in snapcraft. This is useful for checking the contents of a remote part before incorporating it into your build.

$ snapcraft define curl
Maintainer: 'Sergio Schvezov <>'
Description: A tool and a library (usable from many languages) for client side URL transfers, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, TELNET, DICT, FILE and LDAP.

  - --enable-static
  - --enable-shared
  - --disable-manual
  plugin: autotools
  - -bin
  - -lib/*.a
  - -lib/pkgconfig
  - -lib/*.la
  - -include
  - -share
  source-type: tar

Using remote parts

There are a few ways to use remote parts.

Implicit use

The simplest use of a remote part is to specify it in the after stanza for an existing part. This will pull the remote part as the snap is built.

       plugin: autotools
       source: .
       after: [curl]


Perhaps the remote part is almost what’s needed, but a change is required to fit the needs of your snap. In this case we can override pieces of the remote part. In this example we’re overriding the source URL.

        plugin: autotools
        source: .
        after: [curl]


In this example we take the output from snapcraft define <part> and paste it directly into our snap. This allows us full control over all the pieces of the part. We are now effectively no longer using the remote part, but have incorporated it into our build definition.

        plugin: autotools
        source: .
        after: [curl]
            - --enable-static
            - --enable-shared
            - --disable-manual
        plugin: autotools
            - -bin
            - -lib/*.a
            - -lib/pkgconfig
            - -lib/*.la
            - -include
            - -share
        source-type: tar

Creating remote parts

If you’ve created a part which might be useful for other developers, it’s possible to share them easily.

To create a remote part you create a snapcraft.yaml and the normal snap directory structure for your part.

The snap may NOT include any ‘apps’ or ‘hooks’ it MUST only contain ‘parts:’.

The remote part may actually contain one or more parts that you want to publish but all parts in the remote part MUST be published.

Publishing your remote part

Create a repo (git, svn etc) containing only the part(s) you wish to share. The repo must be publicly visible!

For example contains the curl part mentioned above.

Update parts wiki

To make your remote part visible to the world (and discoverable by ‘snapcraft search’) you need to essentially catalog your remote part by adding it to the snapcraft parts page.

Add a yaml formatted entry to the parts wiki page.

For example the curl part is defined thus.

maintainer: Sergio Schvezov <>
  A tool and a library (usable from many languages) for
  client side URL transfers, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP,
parts: [curl]

The ‘parts: [curl]’ is the critical piece as it MUST detail all of the parts contained in the snapcraft.yaml from your remote part.

Note: To edit the Ubuntu wiki you’ll need an Ubuntu SSO account (as used in the snap store), and need to request to join the ubuntu-wiki-editors team. Once approved, logout from the Ubuntu wiki and log back in again to refresh your new credentials.

Wait for cache refresh

The online parts cache refreshes from the wiki every 30 minutes. You can check the status (including time of most recent update) of the parts cache at

If you have an error in your catalog entry on the parts wiki, the parts status page will display details of the error. Your remote part won’t be published until you fix any errors.

Promote your new part

Consider starting a thread on the forum to request feedback on, and promote the use of your new remote part.


Please convert this topic to wiki, thanks!

Also note that remote parts are going away soon.

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Just curious: is there an intended replacement? (Maybe another relevant discussion with more context?)

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As a publisher of a remote part, which relies on another remote part can’t say I would be happy with this ‘going away’ unless there was something better to replace it.

I’ve just being doing some docker builds and their dependancies stuff works really nicely.

As an aside: I have to say building a docker based install took me a fraction of the time it took me to get a snap up and running.

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For those who are using the SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME in their remote part recipe, check out this bug:

Currently you have to ask the part users to override the keys that references the variable in their own snap recipe: The Zenity Remote Part

This tutorial is currently broken - 3.0.1 removes `snapcraft search`, breaks tutorial.


This document ( pops up in top Google results when searching for remote plugins. But it is apparently no longer supported.

It would be great to update the document to say so, and reference any alternatives.

Thanks for letting us know about this doc appearing prominently in search results. You’re absolutely right about this page needing to be updated to redirect people appropriately. I’ll make sure this is done. Thanks!


I’ll second that this page needs to be updated or, better yet, simply deleted. Most of it looks obsolete. Among other things, it refers to a mythical “snapcraft define” command.

Thanks for reminding me about this. I’ve removed the page from the publishing table, added a deprecation notices, and re-directed the old page to Extensions.

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