Reject names with expletives

@niemeyer Just because you don’t find it offensive could be a problem. There are many parents I know who would not accept the Snap Store immediately if it had that in the name. I think we should include what is in the name as well. I mean, isn’t there a reason why various combinations of that F-word aren’t allowed…

Problem is, if you try to please everyone, you please no-one. I find it interesting that the FCC bans the F-word or anything including the F-word on Public TV. We should copy that.*

*Without it being censored.

You may want to step outside the bubble of US-centric media censorship. While I appreciate that may come over as rude, it’s not intended to be. The snap store is available to many more people than citizens of the fine United States of America. These words are not universally blocked around the world.

Go ask any Australian what word he uses when in the pub more than any other around friends. Tip: it’s also on your FCC list :smiley:


Just because people outside the US use Snap Store does not mean the US’s advisory on those words is invalid. You’re attacking where the idea comes from rather than the idea itself.

Doesn’t make it right either. I think we’re at an impasse and will not agree on this one. So I’ll kindly disagree on this topic and let the store admins deal with this. :slight_smile:

Thanks for bringing the topic up! :slight_smile:

Well, exactly. Our main audience is not small children, and I bet that most people here would be pretty upset if we rejected brainfuck snaps on the basis of bad language.

Either way, that’s my feeling and my vote. I’ll let other people speak now.

Rejecting snaps on bad language isn’t a bad idea. It is a good idea for promoting the Snap Store. "

True, but there are places which may use the Snap Store which might. Try convincing the Raspberry Pi Foundation to use Snap Store in Raspbian if this is the case. According to their statistics, 1/3 of their Pi’s go to children (teenagers tend to fall into the adult hobbyist category).

Furthermore, there are other distributions which don’t allow expletives on their forums. Just having them there may make them reluctant to sign up. After all, Ubuntu has the tagline, “Humanity toward others.” It isn’t humanity to children to have apps named this way. Fedora tries to welcome all users, including children. Ubuntu had a Ubuntu for Education release (and still does).

To be clear, I didn’t mean to imply that. As someone who doesn’t even use such words at the bar, I take no offense at the name. But if I wrote it, it would have been called “theheck”, and who would use that? :wink:


I am totally against censoring snaps in the store. As noted throughout the thread, the snap does not violate our ToS.

Introducing mythical children who are interested in software development, but can’t deal with the fact that there’s software called Brainfuck or “thefuck” is a strawman. Both Ubuntu and Fedora include packages for brainfuck, because it’s of interest to their users.

We’re not about to make a PG13 version of the snap store to satisfy some vague definition of “family-friendly”


Okay, tell me this: Advocate to the Raspberry Pi Foundation (or other distributions) to accept Snap. You might have opinions, but they may too, and we may need to make room for them.

There is a reason Google Play and Apple Store don’t allow them.

Raspbian also contains Brainfuck. I updated my post above to show this, in addition to which it’s also in the Google Play and Apple iOS stores. I added those as a friend saw this thread and suggested they might be more comparable to the snap store in terms of goals.


Raspbian already ships with packages for brainfuck. I see no reason for them to treat this differently

They do.

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Oh for Pete’s sake.

Don’t dismiss the few who want them censored. If 90% supports one side, the 10% could still be right.

If Google and Apple have made these mistakes, we have the chance to not.

Where is Mark Shuttleworth?

@G.S.1 About your google play statement, did you try doing a search in the play store before making such affirmation? I blindly searched for “fuck” and got results for:

Fuck You Wallpapers
Fuck You (Drinking name)

and many more.

Also, you are not considering other languages. In Spanish, for example, the same word “coger” has two complete different meanings for Spanish-Argentina and for Spanish-Spain. So the store shall ban it or not?

(Spoiler: no, it should not ban it)


@G.S.1 We’re not trying to be dismissive, we’re trying to have a conversation. What would you suggest to the snap dev? What should the snap be named? How can it be found by people who specifically want to use and find a snap for thefuck?

I’m not dismissing anything. I’m merely countering your arguments.

I wouldn’t want us to make policy decisions without the facts. The fact is this application is not in breach of our policy. The fact is that other distros do carry these same applications. The raspberry pi image carries them. The most popular two mobile stores on the planet carry them. All contrary to your assertions to the opposite.

A lot of time could have been saved by a lot of people on this thread if you’d started by doing a little research first. That’s all.

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Does the Snap Store support aliases?

If possible, it would appear under listings as thef###, and a user could install it under that name, but if the user typed snap install thefuck directly, then it would install it that way.

Did a little research first? Perhaps. However, even if everyone else carries them, that doesn’t mean we should. I am sorry about potential bad arguments, I actually just got a new book on bad arguments yesterday. One of them was “Following the bandwagon.” Just because everyone else is doesn’t mean we should.

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So every single software repository we can think of accepts these terms, and indeed we won’t be able to please everybody because going across languages we can very easily hit bad language for other people, even being completely unaware of it.

We also don’t have anybody else arguing that this is a good idea here, so just in terms of voting alone, I think we’ve reached agreement that we don’t want to reject those terms today.

I’m closing this topic temporarily.


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