Personal-files access request for KeePassXC

@jslarraz are you still proceeding with publisher vetting for this request?

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pocking @droidmonkey in case you missed my dm

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@droidmonkey - since we’ve not heard back from you, we are removing this request from our review queue. When you have more time to respond, simply do so here and we can add the request back to the queue. Thanks

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I’m a little confused, I can see there’s a tagged version of 2.7.9 in latest/beta already and from what I’ve seen, the permission was already granted?

I just tried beta, it doesn’t work.

$ sudo snap refresh keepassxc --beta

error: cannot perform the following tasks:

  • Mount snap “keepassxc” (1838) (installation not allowed by “browser-native-messaging” plug rule of interface “personal-files”)
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