Knocked this up using yad
in a wrapper. Looks awful, but good for a proof of concept in the meantime.
Here’s the code in case anyone wants to try to implement / improve it.
# See if the password-manager-service is connected, if not, we need to prompt the user to connect it
if snapctl is-connected password-manager-service; then
echo "Password manager service is connected"
CONNECTION_TITLE="Unable to use desktop keyring"
CONNECTION_TEXT="This snap currently requires access to the desktop keyring to store login credentials.\
Note: the various keyring services do not provide sufficient isolation for snap access to the\\n\
interface to be auto-connected by default. Not only can the snap see all stored passwords, but\\n \
all other applications with access to the password services can also see the snap’s passwords.\\n\
<b>If you wish to connect the interface, in a terminal run the following command:</b>\
<tt>sudo snap connect lbry:password-manager-service</tt>\\n\
Then come back here and continue or restart the application completely.\
If connected, this dialog will no longer appear.\
Visit the following link for more details:\"
# Display migration alert
$SNAP/usr/bin/yad \
--title="${CONNECTION_TITLE}" \
--text="${CONNECTION_TEXT}" \
--center \
--on-top \