LUKS (or similar) encryption

We are actively working on making full disk encryption work with non-amd64 platforms on UC20, but that work is scheduled for a bit later this year, more details to follow…

In the meantime for anyone interested in playing with FDE on amd64, provided you have a device that uses UEFI and has secure boot enabled and turned on with an unprovisioned TPM2.0 device, you can flash the UC20 beta images onto the device and get full disk encryption by default. See more details here: UC20 beta1 released


Thanks for the info. Might you have any learning resources for me? I’m pretty interested in this and learning how it works.

Which parts? Do you mean documentation on how Ubuntu Core 20 encryption works on amd64?

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I read the beta post already, but yes, if you’ve got anything else, that’d be swell.

We don’t have anything more specific written now, but we hope to have some more documentation on FDE out soonish before UC20 1.0 release is done