Loading PulseAudio modules via pactl and Webkit2GTK inside a core20 snap


I’m trying to create a Snap package but it fails in devmode. Under classic confinement it works.

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Soundux/soundux-snap
The snap is already published in the edge channel: snap install soundux --edge --devmode

I get this error message for Pulse:

pactl: error while loading shared libraries: libpulsecommon-13.99.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

and for Webkit2GTK

Unable to fork a new child process: Failed to execute child process ?/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/webkit2gtk-4.0/WebKitWebProcess? (No such file or directory)
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

Running a find / -name "libpulsecommon-13.99.so" returns


also find / -name "WebKitWebProcess"


I’m stumped on how to fix this

I tried:

  • adding extensions: [gnome-3-38] to the app section gets the program to launch but I always get errors when the program tries to access pulseaudio via pactl like Failed to get module information: Access denied
  • adding
  • to the app section gives me Connection failure: Connection refused and pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused and the the WebViewGTK error mentioned at the top persists

Besides that I’m not sure if running pactl inside a snap qualifies it for a classic confinement as per

running arbitrary command

I would appreciate any assistance in creating the package

take a look at this snippet from the desktop-launch scripts:

# Make PulseAudio socket available inside the snap-specific $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
if [ -n "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" ]; then
    if [ -S "$pulseaudio_sockpath" ]; then
        export PULSE_SERVER="unix:${pulseaudio_sockpath}"

(and indeed you need to make sure that a pulseaudio daemon is running on the system)

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This is fixable with a layout:

    bind: $SNAP/usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/webkit2gtk-4.0

If you’re using the gnome extensions, which provide this binary for you meaning you don’t need to ship it yourself, you can do it with:

    bind: $SNAP/gnome-platform/usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/webkit2gtk-4.0
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It runs now but the window is just white and the developer tools are showing as source code

When adding the gnome extension I don’t need the layout, the UI works in this case. But it prints this at the start and takes a lot longer to launch:

Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.locale” has path “/system/locale/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy” has path “/system/proxy/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.http” has path “/system/proxy/http/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.https” has path “/system/proxy/https/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.ftp” has path “/system/proxy/ftp/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.socks” has path “/system/proxy/socks/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.

Also I still get Failed to get module information: Access denied for each pactl command.
Furthermore I’m not sure if the gnome-3-38 should be used in production since it’s labeled as experimental here:

You likely need to add browser-support to your plugs.

I tried but it didn’t help. So I guess the gnome extension is the way to go since I got farther with it. I described the problems with it in my reply above.

You’re likely accessing more than the audio-playback interface allows when using pactl, so you might need to add and connect (it’s not automatic) the pulseaudio plug.

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It should be connected

$ sudo snap connections soundux 
Interface                 Plug                     Slot                             Notes
alsa                      soundux:alsa             -                                -
audio-playback            soundux:audio-playback   :audio-playback                  -
content[gnome-3-38-2004]  soundux:gnome-3-38-2004  gnome-3-38-2004:gnome-3-38-2004  -
content[gtk-3-themes]     soundux:gtk-3-themes     gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes   -
content[icon-themes]      soundux:icon-themes      gtk-common-themes:icon-themes    -
content[sound-themes]     soundux:sound-themes     gtk-common-themes:sound-themes   -
desktop                   soundux:desktop          :desktop                         -
desktop-legacy            soundux:desktop-legacy   :desktop-legacy                  -
gsettings                 soundux:gsettings        :gsettings                       -
home                      soundux:home             :home                            -
opengl                    soundux:opengl           :opengl                          -
pulseaudio                soundux:pulseaudio       -                                -
wayland                   soundux:wayland          :wayland                         -
x11                       soundux:x11              :x11                             -

The thing is that we load PulseAudio modules (via pactl load-module) and I noticed currently just that fails inside the snap. Listing something via pactl list works.

The - value in slot column means it’s declared, but it isn’t connected, try

sudo snap connect soundux:pulseaudio :pulseaudio

If this fixes the problem, your users will have to run that themselves manually when they install the snap OR you’d have to apply for an auto connection from the store to do it for them.

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Thanks now it’s connected

$ sudo snap connections soundux 
Interface                 Plug                     Slot                             Notes
alsa                      soundux:alsa             -                                -
audio-playback            soundux:audio-playback   :audio-playback                  -
content[gnome-3-38-2004]  soundux:gnome-3-38-2004  gnome-3-38-2004:gnome-3-38-2004  -
content[gtk-3-themes]     soundux:gtk-3-themes     gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes   -
content[icon-themes]      soundux:icon-themes      gtk-common-themes:icon-themes    -
content[sound-themes]     soundux:sound-themes     gtk-common-themes:sound-themes   -
desktop                   soundux:desktop          :desktop                         -
desktop-legacy            soundux:desktop-legacy   :desktop-legacy                  -
gsettings                 soundux:gsettings        :gsettings                       -
home                      soundux:home             :home                            -
opengl                    soundux:opengl           :opengl                          -
pulseaudio                soundux:pulseaudio       :pulseaudio                      manual
wayland                   soundux:wayland          :wayland                         -
x11                       soundux:x11              :x11                             -

but now I get another error when loading modules: Failure: Access denied

weird, i do the same here:

… though this helper runs as root, perhaps your user does not have enough permissions here …

Running the pactl load-module commands like pactl load-module module-null-sink ... on the host system works.
$SNAP/usr/bin/pactl is used here but we use just pactl. Maybe we have to use it like that too?

oh, right, try adding pulseaudio-utils to stage-packages and use the $SNAP prefix (or a layout to re-map pactl to /usr/bin)

I tried adding

   bind-file: $SNAP/usr/bin/pactl

but it didn’t help. Still stuck with the Failure: Access denied

The module-snap-policy Pulse Audio module found on Ubuntu systems detects when the client is running with snap confinement, and applies various restrictions. In particular, it denies loading and unloading of modules:

As Pulse Audio modules are run within the daemon process outside of the sandbox, it is not safe to give a sandboxed application the ability to control how they run.

The restrictions are implemented within the pulseaudio daemon, so the “access denied” error is not down to the path of the pactl executable.

So I have no other option than applying for a classic confinement?

With the current version of the policy module, I don’t think the restrictions on module loading differentiate between strict and classic confinement.

I tested it in a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS VM and it works perfectly fine under the classic confinement

You’re right. It looks like the patches I provided were refactored a bit by the security team, and we did in fact fix the “module loading by classic snaps” problem, as outlined in bug #1886854.