"Large container deployments" usecase - where are we at?

It’s great that you think it is.a nice environment for cloud deployments. However, it’s hard to agree with you given how little on that is available publicly - and some of that does not paint a good picture, like Disabling automatic refresh for snap from store or External repositories

I think you are selling the community short, if you think separate “cloud” images of the core would be too confusing, but even dealing with some confusion would be, in my opinion, worth it, if it allowed more people to a look at what is being made, and be able to give you their input.

Sure, you’ll get there - but so far you’ve missed two, or even three amazing opportunities - CoreOS being bought by RedHat, CoreOS being more or less dismantled by RedHat, and RedHat being bought by IBM. I know that each of those happened, I took a look at where Ubuntu is at, and each time the answer was, “I have no idea”. There is such thing as being too late to a party ;).