[Resolved] KeepassXC 2.4.1-2.5.0 + KeepassXC-browser + Brave Integration issue

Ubuntu 18.04
brave-browser: Installed: 0.63.55
KeepassXC-browser 2.4.1/2.5.0

By all accounts this should now be working OOTB with Brave browser:

However, after install of browser extension, running of helper script as linked to in Snap ver of this app:

Brave KeepassXC-browser extension reports no databases connected

This works fine in Google Chrome.

What I do notice that I would like someone to confirm is that from the screenshot from KeepassXC Github page, there should be a browser selection checkbox section to the Browser Integration section in KeepassXC app (see next post below for image), however if you check the second screenshot above from my install, you see this is replaced with the message about running the helper script (which itself doesn’t mention Brave when you run it, or have any reference to brave in the script code) but no option to select which browser/s to enable can be seen in the app. So can anyone confirm that the addition of the Snap specific message in this ver of the app, hasn’t removed the browser selection section of the official version of the app hence resulting in the issue described above?

More screenshots here as new user limit in place on num of images permitted:

From KeepassXC Github page linked in prev post:

There is nothing amiss here, everything you see is by design. The helper script absolutely allows you to install for Brave browser. https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/blob/2.4.1/utils/keepassxc-snap-helper.sh#L95

You cannot use Brave as a snap though. Interfacing with browsers that are installed as snaps is not supported.

Ah is see the problem, it’s just the helper script version linked to from the app points to this page:

and the script linked to is an old version with no Brave browser included in the code.

Running the script you linked to resolves the problem!

Thanks, issue resolved! (although update on the KeepassXC page links still outstanding!)