JAVAFX App: personal-files interface doesn't give access to $HOME/.openjfx cache directory in Strict mode

yes that does work … but the result is not exactly User friendly … the usb stick doesn’t appear in “Files” as a mounted drive, and the network drives don’t appear as " Other Locations" in the file manager …if the User doesn’t know where to find /media and isn’t tech-savvy enough to realise that “/media/user/2B9D-7B8D” is the identifier of the san disk memory device they just plugged in, they is going to find using the app frustrating …(I am expecting the users to be photographers) …

Any offers?

I also find my app data wiped on every fresh install, should I be using SNAP_USER_COMMON rather than SNAP_USER_DATA?

Thanks for your help today, after a frustrating few days its great to make some progress!

do you expect users to install more than once ? typically a user installs once and then gets upgrades …

indeed if you do “snap remove” before doing “snap install” that will remove the data (though snapd takes a snapshot by default before removing a package which you can restore with the “snap restore” command … )

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yeah … I realised the mistake about 10 minutes after I went out for a walk … doh!

At the moment, the inability to present a unified view of mounted file systems through the JavaFX FileChooser.showOpenMultipleDialog(new Stage()) and DirectoryChooser.showdialog(new Stage()) calls may be a showstopper.

I need to think some more, and perhaps ask a new question.
Thanks again!