Is it even possible to have Chromium inside a MIR Kiosk?

It’s like I this attempt is cursed. Nothing has worked for me at every step. I tried to fake kiosk: (I added ignore this so its not too simliar to another post that I deleted):

(ignore this) ./fake-kiosk mir-kiosk
(ignore this) + kiosk=mir-kiosk
(ignore this) + sudo mir-kiosk --help
(ignore this) [sudo] password for michael: 
(ignore this) + true
(ignore this) + sudo cp /run/user/1000/gdm/Xauthority /root/snap/mir-kiosk/current/.Xauthority
(ignore this) + XAUTHORITY=/root/snap/mir-kiosk/current/.Xauthority exec sudo mir-kiosk
(ignore this) 2021/07/27 16:26:36.092295 cmd_run.go:576: WARNING: XAUTHORITY environment value is not a clean path: "/root/snap/mir-kiosk/7278/.Xauthority"
(ignore this) + mkdir -p /root/snap/mir-kiosk/7278/.config/
(ignore this) + grep -vE (^vt=|^console-provider=vt|^display-layout=) /var/snap/mir-kiosk/7278/miral-kiosk.config
(ignore this) + exec /snap/mir-kiosk/7278/bin/run-miral
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:36.149915] <information> mirserver: Starting
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:36.153133] < - debug - > mirserver: Not trying logind: "DISPLAY" is set and X need not have claimed the VT
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:36.153324] < - debug - > mirserver: Not using Linux VT subsystem for session management: Failed to open current VT
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:36.153355] < - debug - > mirserver: No session management supported
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:36.153374] <information> VT switch key handler: No VT switching support available: MinimalConsoleServices does not support VT switching
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:36.153506] <information> mircommon: Loading modules from: /snap/mir-kiosk/7278/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir/server-platform
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:36.153564] <information> mircommon: Loading module: /snap/mir-kiosk/7278/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir/server-platform/
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:36.153613] <information> mircommon: Loading module: /snap/mir-kiosk/7278/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir/server-platform/
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:36.153621] <information> mircommon: Loading module: /snap/mir-kiosk/7278/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir/server-platform/
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:36.542702] < - debug - > gbm-kms: Quirks: checking device with devnode: /dev/dri/card1, driver radeon
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:37.227231] <information> gbm-kms: Failed to probe DRM device: /build/mir-VQizFV/mir-2.4.1/src/server/console/minimal_console_services.cpp(137): Throw in function virtual std::future<std::unique_ptr<mir::Device> > mir::MinimalConsoleServices::acquire_device(int, int, std::unique_ptr<mir::Device::Observer>)
(ignore this) Dynamic exception type: boost::wrapexcept<std::system_error>
(ignore this) std::exception::what: Failed to acquire DRM master: Operation not permitted
(ignore this) 
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:37.227396] < - debug - > gbm-kms: Quirks: checking device with devnode: (null), driver 
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:37.227532] < - debug - > gbm-kms: Quirks: checking device with devnode: /dev/dri/card0, driver i915
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:37.227627] <information> gbm-kms: Failed to probe DRM device: /build/mir-VQizFV/mir-2.4.1/src/server/console/minimal_console_services.cpp(137): Throw in function virtual std::future<std::unique_ptr<mir::Device> > mir::MinimalConsoleServices::acquire_device(int, int, std::unique_ptr<mir::Device::Observer>)
(ignore this) Dynamic exception type: boost::wrapexcept<std::system_error>
(ignore this) std::exception::what: Failed to acquire DRM master: Operation not permitted
(ignore this) 
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:37.227729] < - debug - > gbm-kms: Quirks: checking device with devnode: (null), driver 
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:37.227826] < - debug - > gbm-kms: Quirks: checking device with devnode: (null), driver 
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:37.227921] < - debug - > gbm-kms: Quirks: checking device with devnode: (null), driver 
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:37.227997] < - debug - > gbm-kms: Quirks: checking device with devnode: (null), driver 
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:37.228062] < - debug - > gbm-kms: Quirks: checking device with devnode: (null), driver 
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:37.228141] < - debug - > gbm-kms: Quirks: checking device with devnode: (null), driver 
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:37.228210] < - debug - > gbm-kms: Quirks: checking device with devnode: (null), driver 
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:37.228260] <information> mirserver: Found graphics driver: mir:gbm-kms (version 2.4.1) Support priority: 0
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:38.045010] <information> mirserver: Found graphics driver: mir:x11 (version 2.4.1) Support priority: 192
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:38.045080] <information> mirserver: Selected driver: mir:x11 (version 2.4.1)
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:38.045469] <information> mircommon: Loading modules from: /snap/mir-kiosk/7278/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir/server-platform
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:38.045506] <information> mircommon: Loading module: /snap/mir-kiosk/7278/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir/server-platform/
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:38.045517] <information> mircommon: Loading module: /snap/mir-kiosk/7278/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir/server-platform/
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:38.045528] <information> mircommon: Loading module: /snap/mir-kiosk/7278/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir/server-platform/
(ignore this) [2021-07-27 14:26:38.047352] < - debug - > gbm-kms: Quirks: checking device with devnode: /dev/dri/card1, driver radeon
(ignore this) Failed to create /root/.cache/mesa_shader_cache for shader cache (Permission denied)---disabling.
(ignore this) radeon: Failed to allocate virtual address for buffer:
(ignore this) radeon:    size      : 65536 bytes
(ignore this) radeon:    alignment : 4096 bytes
(ignore this) radeon:    domains   : 4
(ignore this) radeon:    va        : 0x0000000100000000
(ignore this) radeon: Failed to deallocate virtual address for buffer:
(ignore this) radeon:    size      : 65536 bytes
(ignore this) radeon:    va        : 0x100000000
(ignore this) radeon: Failed to allocate virtual address for buffer:
(ignore this) radeon:    size      : 65536 bytes
(ignore this) radeon:    alignment : 4096 bytes
(ignore this) radeon:    domains   : 4
(ignore this) radeon:    va        : 0x0000000100000000
(ignore this) radeon: Failed to deallocate virtual address for buffer:
(ignore this) radeon:    size      : 65536 bytes
(ignore this) radeon:    va        : 0x100000000
(ignore this) radeonsi: Failed to create a context.
(ignore this) radeon: Failed to allocate virtual address for buffer:
(ignore this) radeon:    size      : 65536 bytes
(ignore this) radeon:    alignment : 4096 bytes
(ignore this) radeon:    domains   : 4
(ignore this) radeon:    va        : 0x0000000100000000
(ignore this) radeon: Failed to deallocate virtual address for buffer:
(ignore this) radeon:    size      : 65536 bytes
(ignore this) radeon:    va        : 0x100000000
(ignore this) radeon: Failed to allocate virtual address for buffer:
(ignore this) radeon:    size      : 65536 bytes
(ignore this) radeon:    alignment : 4096 bytes
(ignore this) radeon:    domains   : 4
(ignore this) radeon:    va        : 0x0000000100000000
(ignore this) radeon: Failed to deallocate virtual address for buffer:
(ignore this) radeon:    size      : 65536 bytes
(ignore this) radeon:    va        : 0x100000000
(ignore this) radeonsi: Failed to create a context.
(ignore this) Segmentation fault